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Plans,of course.

Coldo 8 Apr 30

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Much like his "secret plan" to defeat iSIS in 3 months, the Trump health care plan never existed.

When Trump says he has a plan of even says he knows something, but doesnt' give details, he hs nto plan, and really doesn't know anything about what he is talkign about.


What a fucking idiot


Where's the "dislike" button?


From what I see ....there never was a credible plan to replace the Affordable Health Care plan.
Some of my ideas for health care...
Affordable Health Care

  1. Doctors pay over one hundred thousand in mal-practice premiums each year.
    Cap awards for mal-practice
    Tighten standards of evidence to prove mal-practice
    Try mal-practice cases before a 3 medical professional panel which can levy fines, make reasonable awards, and suspend licenses.
    Force doctors to lower fees since they are saving on insurance.
  2. THE AMA limits the number of new doctors educated in USA. Stop this practice. More doctors will result in lower medical fees.
  3. Lower the time limit on new drug protection for big pharma. Generics sooner will mean drug savings.
  4. Doctors are locked into protocols to treat each disease. Allow more innovation of new techniques. Stop unnecessary tests mandated by a protocol.
  5. Provide financial incentives for those that don't smoke, maintain healthy weight, don't use illegal drugs, and have normal blood pressure.

Yeah. And then “who knew healthcare was so complicated?”

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