Hello! It's me...formerly Lucyloohoo...who's either done something unforgiveable and been blocked without explanation or has pissed off TPTB. I can't get into the board using my name/password. The one that's worked since forever.
Anyway...I can't join a LOT of groups or even send private messages until I've reached the 2nd level. If you feel kindly....will you like what I've written, etc, and help me get back to the level of social acceptance?
Wonder how many laughs he got??
I just send them Dr Patel or Dr Ramirez . U think my accent is not good , no problem sweetheart
Welcome back! What an ordeal you had. (scratches head.)
I liked your posts.
Thank you!
How much is level 5??
INTERESTING IMAGE, Glenn! Need bail money? Get any unusual offers?