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Who is covering for them?

Flyingsaucesir 8 Jan 26

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Fake news



Around 1985, I attended a meeting which included a video conference with the CEO of Arco (Lod Cook). After the presentation, he opened the meeting up for questions, and fielded several of them. Then I asked what he thought would happen if Global Warming became apparent. At first, he blustered and muttered that it wasn't clear Global Warming was happening. I then clarified my question saying that I was asking what HE thought would happen. He calmed down and then answered saying that the Human race would have to learn to live with it, and that no other viable alternatives were foreseeable. That seemed like an honest response. Of course, it left unsaid whether such changes would be survivable for the species as a whole.

So the the guy went from denial to callous fatalism right in front of you. And not even considering investment in clean technologies. That must have been a disgusting sight.


True dat.


Yes, the wealthy and their corporations are directly responsible, they feel that making overt profits$$$$ off our our lives they are immune to this climate hell they continue to grow!!!

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