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Christians are now a minority in England []

jackjr 7 Jan 28

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Good hopefully they will all disappear.


Popping on a demographer's auriphrygiata, at current rates of change 'NO RELIGION' will overtake 'CHHRISTIAN' for top spot in the 2031 census.

Absolutely better version than the “Rolling Stones”!!!


Not only in England but around the western world.


Islam is a very destructive force in the UK!!!

Soon it will be as advanced as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Egypt!!!

On the contrary. When people get educated they see reason and turn away from religion.

That is the point islam does not educate it indoctrinates!!!

@of-the-mountain Well as far as I know the muslims in UK do have to attend school whether they like it or not, even the females.

The males go to Madrasah’s(Islamic religious schools)!!!

The female have their learning circle if allowed by their male owners(husbands)!!!

@of-the-mountain Are you saying that females in UK don't attend school?

Are you for real????

I was referring too female’s who are under the guise and control of Islamic males, if that was not clear, what is!!!

If that is not clear enough for you, then you have lost it!!!

Islam is very much still a minority religion in the U.K. only 6.5% of the population identify as Muslim in fact. So please stop posting inaccurate and false information about education in the U.K. as you seem to be very ill informed and probably read some absolute rubbish on an website promoting Islamophobia.

All children, boys and girls, must attend school in the U.K.,and conform to a standard Education department curriculum. They are periodically inspected by HM Inspectorate of Schools to make sure they are meeting these required standards,. The majority of Muslim children attend miixed ethnicity state schools, the same ones most of the the British population send their children to. The proportion of children educated at Muslim run schools is very much in the minority, although some have caused concerns because of their non adherence to British education regulations, and after mandatory inspections have either been closed down or forced to comply with a standard U.K. curriculum.

@Jolanta This member is posting complete rubbish…of course all children in the U.K. attend school. His information about Muslims and education in the U.K. are completely erroneous and look like they’ve been gleaned from some Islamophobia website.

@of-the-mountain I think I am more for real then you are as you seem to be ever so misinformed about education in the UK.

Well then since Islam does not have a harsh effect on what muslin’s are educated who cares!!!


Yay!!! Now if we can only convert to remaining religious believers into free thinkers, what a beautiful world it would be.


Soon, with luck, religion in UK will have fewer adherents than non-religion.


Congratulations are in order. May the yoke slip off completely...


Hallelujah, praise the lord!!!🤠




That is a very badly worded headline, as it implies some other religion is now the religion of the majority of people in England & Wales… which is far from true. The largest religion in the U.K., England & Wales included, is still Christianity, it just means that more than half the population do not identify as Christians in today’s Britain. This is due to more people than ever identifying as not affiliated to any religion…in other words either not having a strong belief in god, or in fact none at all.

I agree, the chart can be confusing but still 'fewer' (journalists should learn the difference between few and less) than 50% identify as christians. The original chart in the FFRF newsletter was better but I couldn't find it + I felt the item would bear more credibility if it came from a British report.

@jackjr Fewer and fewer people understand this difference.
That is why the word fewer appears less and less often.
"Fewer people with money means less money is available."
"Less education leads to fewer educated people".

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