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Does anyone else get the feeling that the human race is now engulfed in some form of collective insanity ?

JayTea 6 May 1

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Yes. I often find myself confused over what wine goes best with a dystopian nightmare.


Not only now. Always.


Oh, take a look around, insanity abounds - gender wars, a dying planet (we are killing it while we kill each other), idiots in control (i.e. trump), corporate organisations acting as legal human entities without the moral responsibilities of a human, millions starving while the west builds weapons, species disappearing daily but we don't think we will be one of them (duh!), etc.........


No worse than its ever been.
Progress can be impeded but not stopped.
The problem is that evolution is painfully slow.
Our ability to think in abstracts exceeds our ability to realize those thoughts.


I feel like I'm surrounded by crazy people and that I am also crazy. I mean we are monkeys moving around on a giant balloon by disbalancing our weight and avoinding the fall by putting a foot in front. Communicating to one another by vibrating our throats, with absolutely no idea why we're here. Ultimatly everyone you know will die, and people have been murdering one another for centuries about whether or not something happens after death! How can you be mentally stable in this situation!?!


yes, I am beginning to really hate my society (U.K) but cannot figure the way out except to live somewhere remote on top of a big hill fortress.


Has it not always been thus?


What sort of insanity?

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