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UK politician FRANK FIELD ( Ex MINISTER ) was on the Sunday R4 program this am as part of a "round of essay"s that he is battling against his [Unknown] illness with to complete "Before I Pop off" It is a sad apology for "Years of Failure to pass Christian Laws in Parliament" He mentions his "faith by PROBABILITY" and that Christianity was "the best story around".

His contribution starts at 9 minutes 45 secs and is about 7 mins long.


Mcfluwster 7 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I frequently watch your videos to gain knowledge, and then I play puppet hockey, which is a fairly intriguing hockey game

@Yarainlus I feel there is a hidden message here but I am not sure which videos you refer to and what Puppet Hockey is . Please enlighten


How about the years of hypocrisy as a crypto-Tory masquerading as a socialist MP? His Birkenhead constituents heaved a huge sigh of relief when he left.


Well, he is entitled to his opinion, and probably that's what most Brits would say to him. As you know, British society has been well established as secular. The law protects freedom of religion while it prevents any religious ideology from becoming prominent.

Ryo1 Level 8 Feb 6, 2023

What a dweeb.

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