I hid under one of these desks monthly or weekly during the air raid drills in my youth.
Must have been since we were all under our desks, we didn't ever actually get bombed, haha. Nah, we understood we were just protecting our heads from falling bricks, etc. I guess helmets might have been smart.
Now kids need to practice active shooter drills, where nothing but hiding totally out of sight is going to help them.
Yuppers, in i think 4th grade the after-lunch Thursday movie was the one teaching us to "Duck & Cover''.
First they showed extensive footage of atomic bomb testing in the Southwest, you know, where entire houses, large trees, concrete buildings, all were obliterated in a nanosecond.
Then they described, & showed children using, "Duck & Cover'' as a way to protect themselves.
I do believe my mistrust of authority began that day........