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Barney Miller...
The Famous DEMON POSSESSION Scene with Ken Tigar.

One of the greatest character actors to ever live....And he's still with us today at the age of 80.

Interesting fact about Ken Tigar: He received his BA and Ph.D. in German Literature from Harvard University. So Academically he is Dr. Kenneth Tigar.

FrostyJim 8 Feb 23

Enjoy being online again!

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That one is awesome hilarious!!! This one I saw when I was a kid, never forgot seeing it, then looked it up on YouTube . . . .

Then there was this . . .


I love me some Barney Miller. I need to find me some reruns somewhere.

try Youtube

@AnneWimsey The first year is on prime. I don't think I've ever seen the first year before because Barney's wife is in almost every episode.


Must have been one of the early members. I remember that series.

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