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I've often wondered this. If the god had written a book, wouldn't it have been well written?


Eazyduzzit 7 May 1

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If a God had written a book I would expect it to be perfect, and a God would have protected the text to insure that it remained perfect and unedited. The Bible is not perfect, and there is evidence the text has been corrupted therefore a God did not write the Bible.


You’d think. However, a god could play whatever stupid game it wants, including giving us a poorly written instruction manual to see who will try hard enough to sort things out.

That wouldn't be much of a god, would it?

@Eazyduzzit Not if we’re trying to understand a god using reason. But people don’t arrive at beliefs in god or the Bible based on reason, so who’s to say what a “true god” would do?


I know, right? The Bible is a total snooze-fest until you get to all the genocide, misogyny, slavery and homophobia. Then it's just disgusting.

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