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Filed under religious loony tunes;

"If only we forced women to give birth against their will, a toy store would still be alive today! Why won’t all pregnant women just think about the corporations before undergoing the procedure?!"


Angelface 7 May 1

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Abortion is a private decision between a woman, the father, and her doctor. It is not the Government's business.

Here is the gist of the letter to the editor that prompted the article in;

"According to Mandy Alman, who wrote a Letter to the Editor to the News-Gazette in central Illinois, Toys “R” Us would still be doing fine today if women would just stop having abortions.

Women in their 20s accounted for nearly 60 percent of all abortions performed in the U.S. in 2014, according to a CDC report.

These are children who otherwise would have been born and whose families could have contributed to the customer base of companies such as Toys R Us.

Since abortion has been legal for 45 years, this has become a multigenerational problem. The children who would have otherwise been born in the 1970s and 1980s would be having children now who could also potentially be shopping at Toys R Us (in addition to enjoying a right to life).

Abortion has an enormous impact on untold numbers of people. Which other companies will fail because their future customers are being aborted?"

I get it...more kids would have meant more toy sales. But the truth of what happened is more insidious. Mitt Romney's company in partnership with other right wingers, purchased Toys are us and proceeded to load the company down with debt as they sucked cash out of the company with salaries for themselves. Eventually the company could no longer service its debt.@Angelface


Surely you jest?

Taken from an actual letter to an editor.

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