Happy International Women's Day.
My friend in Norway said this to me earlier and I thanked him and told him that it had been suspended here in the US.
Translation: the U$A is becoming even more of an isolationist bastion of white male supremacy.
I think it just hasn't changed and that it appears that way because the last administration made it safe to be open about it and stacked the courts to make it easier to continue.
Want to prove to me there is change? Pass the ERA Equal Rights Amendment and stop murdering those with darker skin than mine. That would be a start anyway.
It was celebrated in Canada
Correct me if I am wrong but don't women have more equality by law there than in the US?
@MizJ unfortunately I'm not aware of what the states don't allow than what canada allows. However, I think abortions are allowed province, country wide. HOWEVER, someone i met from this site, mentioned she wanted her tubes tied and it was incredibly difficult for this request to be met by doctors. She is in her 40's and already has a 14 yearsold, and was dead set against having any more.
In recent news (if memory serves correct) medical assisted self termination is also being green-lit here.
Most of my friends are in America, and the vast majority are hardcore conservatives, pro-life (pro-birth is what they really mean, but that's another debate), xtians, etc. I avoid any sort of debate because 'the juice isn't worth the squeeze.' From what I've noticed, being an atheist is the new 'in the closet' thing. Most of those hardcore conservatives are more tolerant of homosexuality than they are of non-theists/atheists/agnostics.
@MacStriker I was referring to equality in a more general way but your answer hints that it is likely the case. Equal pay, opportunities, etc. backed by law in other words.
No international women in the US?
Respect for women domestic or international in the US has ceased to exist.
@MizJ I am glad that I live in Au.
White Caucasian women are respected here. Aboriginal women not so much.
How can any one not respect women and respect themselves? H.Sapian is one coin with two head sides
@Kurtn In re to Aboriginal/indigenous women it seems that all places that have been colonized have that in common, I would also add descendants of enslaved people to that list. A lot of the inequality I experience is subtle, all of it is annoying.