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Today is international π day. (3.14)
It is also Albert Einstein's birthday. In another 16 years he will have been born 159 years ago, so on March 14, 2039 his birthdate, followed by the number of years since he was born, will be 3.14159

Petter 9 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm an old sliderule guy, so anything beyond 3 digits was lost in calculations,


Fun yes, but someone, I hope it is not you, has far FAR too much time on their hands. lol

Guilty as charged. Being retired, I was able to cogitate on these matters over a breakfast, whilst I worked it out and then sent it via WhatsApp for my maths mad, autistic grandson to peruse and enjoy.
Then I thought certain "unusual" members of this site might also enjoy it.

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