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This has got to be a joke... So if you organize your pantry, you're a racist? šŸ˜€šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜„ But then again, nothing the woke racist, narcissists teachers out there do really surprise me anymore. []

Captain_Feelgood 8 Mar 19

Enjoy being online again!

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The joke is that you are too ignorant to grasp social commentary. God, modern conservatives are embarrassing "If I don't understand it, it must be wrong!" Thanks again for another delicious self-own Captain, apparently it's all conservatives do these days.

Thatā€™s exactly what it is. Social commentary. I didnā€™t even have to agree with all of it to recognize it as such. But you swooped in and hit the nail exactly on the head.


I must have hurt @SpikeTalonā€™s feefees. Iā€™m apparently blocked. Thatā€™s one way of avoiding dealing with me. Good riddance.

This used to be such an enjoyable site, without left-right leaning political fanatics trolling other members. It is called not


Oh my goodness, according to folks like that just you merely questioning their motives makes you a racist. In this case, you get bonus racist points if your pantry is organized and well stocked, lol.


My pantry is organised because I'm autistic and like to know items are in their right and logical place.
I am certainly not racist.

Ditto, ditto and ditto!

I might be the Oscar to your Felix and I think she overreached a bit on that per people who love to organize. But there were other aspects to her social critique worth pondering, like how social media spectacle combined with the pandemic and commodification combine. Iā€™m not fond of foodies framing their latest meal but thatā€™s just me. I do have my own forms of mild OCD to contend with but it manifests in other ways.


When an article says ā€œAccording to the Daily Wireā€¦ā€ it is automatically suspect because Ben Shapiro. I see you are trying to fulfill your conservative outrage quota for the day.

The actual article is hyperbolic in places but isnā€™t simplistically reducing ā€œpantry pornā€ to racism alone.


It is a ridiculous trend. A throwback to the ā€œupstairs/downstairsā€ classism of yore. ā€œIn the late 1800s, the butlerā€™s pantry emerged as an architectural trend among high society. This small space, tucked between the kitchen and dining room, was a marker of status ā€“ an area to hide both the food and the people who prepared it.ā€

The untermenschen had to strive in keeping up with the Joneses. Conspicuous consumption and all that jazz. Now walk-in pantries are a thing. Great for architects and real estate agents. And one needs to buy a bunch of designer crap to show off their surplus storage. The pandemic sparked this hoarding bonanza.

Commodification meets OCD: ā€œInfluencers film themselves shopping for supplies, prepping food, refilling containers, and organizing their pantries ā€“ often coupled with hashtags like #pantryrestock, #pantryASMR, and #pantrygoals. They transfer dry goods from the store-bought bags into matching glassware; they stock the home coffee bar with coffee pods and flavored syrups; they refill stackable bins with single-serving snacks; they create multiple types of ice cubes ā€“ each with its own dedicated freezer section. Much of this pantry porn is performed against a backdrop of rhythmic ASMR-inspired clinks, glugs, snaps, rips and thunks that appeal to viewersā€™ pleasure centers.ā€

And also: ā€œMinimalism once represented a countercultural lifestyle rooted in anti-consumption: Use less, buy less, have less.

But if pantry porn is any indication, the new minimalism means more is more, as long as the more is not messy. Consumers donā€™t need less, they need more: more containers, more labels, more storage space.

Storing spices in coordinated glass jars and color coordinating dozens of sprinkles containers may seem trivial. But tidiness is tangled up with status, and messiness is loaded with assumptions about personal responsibility and respectability.ā€

Ridiculous attention to detail indeed. Who the hell does this stuff? Iā€™m not on ChiCom TikTok to witness this spectacle thank goodness.

So thereā€™s far more food for thought contained in the actual original article than your reflexive antiwoke snark would entail.

Bottom line is I didn't just make this up, nor did Molly Bruns there at HeadlineUSA.. Jenna Drenten there at The Conversation published it.

Quote: "What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist and sexist social structures. In my research, influencers who produce pantry porn are predominantly white women who demonstrate what it looks like to maintain a ā€œniceā€ home by creating a new status symbol: the perfectly organized, fully stocked pantry."

You can take away from it what you want.

@Captain_Feelgood Thereā€™s more to the article than the hyperbole about racism. I imagine well to do black people and others might engage in the same sort of narcissist ā€œlook at my pantryā€ behavior. I think sheā€™s right about the classism aspect. Social media exacerbates such ostentatious tendencies to signal oneā€™s apparent upward mobility.

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