That moment when you realize, there are illogical atheist that believe in greater supernatural than purported in biblical text.
The science fiction of reverse time travel and space warp travel requires more supernatural than anything purported in biblical text.
If all the scientific fiction of time travel and warp space is logically possible, then the things biblically purported are the easy supernatural things to do.
Yes, it would require more supernatural to do these things many illogical atheist believe in that what is purported in biblical text.
Conservation of matter and energy: Energy can neither be created or destroyed. So if life force is a form of energy then when we die it converted to ghosts?
I would agree that it is funny to encounter Atheists who believe in things like crystals, past lives, and ghosts and things like that.
Some things may have some type of science truth, not that it means everything people believe is correct. I would question, could there be some causation for what people call ghost or other phenomena that isn't fully understood by science? Sure, I know I have experienced things that I have not found any scientific explination. I try not to label it as anything much more than science just don't have a publicly explained reason for causation.
One little bit of information on salt crystal lamps.
In some human studies, negative ions at high concentrations did lessen depression slightly, but they didn't have much of an effect on anxiety levels or sleep. []
Could you edit that to coherent?
I don't have much patience for editing right now.
@Word In other words you prefere to remain unintelligible.
@Alienbeing no, I like to see who is actually intelligent enough to understand what I do say. It is actually something that could be deciphered . Yet, most people seem to be too stupid to understand things unless it is in perfect grammer form.
@Word The purpose of wrting is to communicate, not to see if anyone can decipher poorly written sentences.
@Alienbeing yes, I am famuliar with the purpose of writing. Here on social media, I don't have such patience with my vision problems. For college essays, police reports and such, I have taken more pains to the point of nose bleeds from the eye strain frustration.
@Word It is your choice not to be understood. Good luck with that.
@Word So now you think you are of such superior intelligence that you are just waiting for the inferior people to "catch up?"
@BufftonBeotch no, I can recognize my grammer related writtings here are not polished, finished perfection. This is just social media and I am not so concerned about my 'first draft" here as not perfect because I know I do not just write out perfect drafts in my first draft. However, I am familiar enough with people reading my first, unpolished draft, that if they are smart enough, my imperfection in grammer would not prevent them from understanding the message.
I can appreciate the intelligence behind good grammar. I can admit, I do not put out perfect in my first drafts. On social media here, I do not have patience to worry about such perfection.
There are some people, that has great intelligence capabilities to read something that is in perfect grammer form. However. I find iui t us an indication of greater intelligence capabilities if someone can ALSO understand not so perfect grammer, someone that can also understand ebonics, texbonics or other deviations from perfect England English. Not everyone is intelligent enough to understand such deviation from perfect England English.
@Word No one here has the time for your narcissistic word salad.
You are both to be pitied, but yet superior to us all.
How about fuq OFF!
@BufftonBeotch the word salad on my profile is not narcissistic to my knowledge. It just taste more like real word salad.
The moment when you realize you are reading a post that is pure nonsense.I managed to decipher your post .The things you mention are ideas or theories and only something to contemplate whereas religious individuals actually believe in the biblical text
Time travel and space warp travel are not possible. At least as far as we know.
Now on time travel let's go back in time to 1950. Is it the "Leave It To Beaver" 1950 or the one that someone else remembered? Let's go back to 1776. Then you have that question of whether or not time travel could actually raise the dead. Oh, I see. You went back in time so these people were not dead yet. OK, but you were not born yet. The would be scientists come up with quantum universes and tell you anything you want to believe can happen and it does happen, etc. Sounds like a lot of fun. Sure is a lot of confusion.
I have to go with your logic on this one.
Everyone has their only personal reasons for the way they believe!!!
Their is no one narrative or factual metaphor to group everyone’ beliefs as having the same origins or cause!!!
It seems that if you do not believe in god(s) you are automatically a agnostic or atheist, how narrow these minds profess to be!!!
I think characterizing atheists as believing in warped space/time or reverse time travel is a bit overblown. First, who exactly are you referring to? What exactly did they say or write, and in what context? Are you sure they weren't simply playing with ideas? Second, the warping of space/time by gravity is a real phenomenon. The passage of time is partly a function of your velocity. We know that much. But we also don't know a lot. Are there parallel universes? What would happen if you could travel at the speed of light? There is nothing wrong with speculating.
From the little that I have read on the matter gravity warps space/time. "Black holes are so massive that they severely warp the fabric of spacetime (the three spatial dimensions and time combined in a four-dimensional continuum). For this reason, an observer inside a black hole experiences the passage of time much differently than an outside observer."
@rainmanjr I think you mean "hypothesize."
@Flyingsaucesir Is there a difference? One is used by science, which is why I used it, more than the other but I think they're the same thing.
@rainmanjr No, my friend, they are not the same.
A hypothesis is an educated guess, one that can be tested for accuracy. Hypotheses that, after rigorous testing, turn out to be unassailably true are called facts.
For instance: Alfred Wegener hypothesized that the American continents had once been connected to Europe and Africa. He based this hypothesis on the shapes of the continents and on certain fossils and rocks found on both sides of the Atlantic ocean.
A theory is a unifying explanation for a diverse set of facts.
For instance, the Theory of Plate Tectonics explains...
why the continents look like they once fit together,
why there are volcanic mid-ocean ridges,
why there is a "ring of fire" around the Pacific ocean basin,
why the western part of California is sliding northward along the San Andreas fault,
why deep earthquakes are often concentrated in Benioff zones,
why there are pieces of ocean floor in the Sierra Nevada mountains and in the Himalayas and the Alps, etc.,
why no ocean floor rocks are more than about 100 million years old,
why ocean floors have "striped" magnetic anomaly patterns,
why there are tsunamis,
why there are island arcs,
Why Turkey recently experienced those massive earthquakes,
etc., etc., etc.
The explanation for all of these facts is called the Theory of Plate Tectonics. It says that the Earth's rigid crust is broken up into plates, and these move around constantly, driven by convection currents in the mantle. These movements are the cause of all the afore-mentioned phenomena, and many more that I have not mentioned.
Now you know homie. Don't blow it.
@Flyingsaucesir Seems the same thing to me but my hypothesis attempts to unify various data so it's a theory.
@rainmanjr Big difference between "attempts to unify" and unifies.
@Flyingsaucesir That seems like just your opinion, man. I don't see this big difference.
@rainmanjr Please describe the rigorous testing that your hypothesis has undergone.
@Flyingsaucesir I see your difference now. Ok, you win. So what?
@rainmanjr So what? You don't really need me to explain the importance of using appropriate language, do you?
It's not about winning my friend. I'm a science educator. This is right up my alley. I'm glad I could help.
@Flyingsaucesir only a teacher would make such a distinction. Peace
@rainmanjr You mean the distinction between hypothesis and theory? In discussing any science topic, it is a distinction that everyone should make.