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He's right to be worried. Poland and Latvia are donating their MIGs, and the EU just committed to supply another million artillery rounds. David's sling and stone.

Flyingsaucesir 8 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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The democrats send billions to Ukraine, they send a chunk back as donations to the democrat party, they purchase some weapons and the dealer or manufacturer makes their political donation, then the Ukrainian government pockets the rest.
This war won't end any time soon. It would cost too much to end it.

Kickbacks...a serious allegation. Do you have any evidence to back it up?

It was all over the news. The non-liberal news anyway. FTX was handling the money going to Ukraine and then donating millions directly to the DNC and both democrat and republican house members. That's why so many people wanted the FTX blow up quietly swept under the rug. Don't hear much about it now do we? Kinda like Epstein. They need to keep some things on the down-low.

@CourtJester The "non-liberal news"? What's that? πŸ˜‚

It's a very serious allegation. If it's true, people need to be indicted. Whoever they are, whatever political party they belong to. Just show us the evidence.

@Flyingsaucesir I doubt that he has any evidence of kickbacks but I do agree this war will not end anytime soon. Also, if Putin was dead tomorrow that would not stop this war. Whoever took his place would simply continue.

@DenoPenno Maybe, maybe not. Depends on who replaces Putin. A lot of Russians don't want this war.

Putin has killed anyone that might replace him.


You’re a big boy. You can investigate it for yourself. I understand that democrats hate putting effort into much of anything but it would be a good exercise for you.

@CourtJester You're the one who levelled the allegation. It's up to you to back up your claim. Wassamatta CJ? Cat got your tongue?


he's gonna get his ass bit so damn bad!


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