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When Kathy Griffin did something similar, they wanted to crucify her.

“This threat is obstruction of justice and is a dangerous call to violence. Everyone needs to speak out,”

"Donald Trump sparked anger by posting a picture of himself holding a baseball bat next to the head of the Manhattan District Attorney leading an investigation into him."

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nogod4me 8 Mar 24

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We already knew Hair Furor was a goon, now he has proved it beyond all doubt.


Trumptyhumpty is a Nazi expect anything more than self aggrandizement and perpetual victimhood is delusional..


If he posed with an AR-15, would it make any difference?

None what so ever..


He should be indicted for all the crimes he just committed by doing this.

Let's get through the ones that are already being investigated..please..


He hit it out of the park.

BDair Level 8 Mar 24, 2023

So, you like violence and Trump's call for more violence? Were you at the Jan. 6th insurrection trying to overthrow our government? Will you be bringing weapons to a Trump protest?

Trump did not call for violence.
There was no insurrection.

@BDair Denialism is not an argument nor a counter-argument.

Evidently, his followers got the message. Stockpiling weapons, people dead, many in law enforcement injured, and destruction and theft of property. Do you believe that they were there for a tour? How ignorant.

You are just a believer, and therefore a waste of time.

You didn't answer my questions: So, you like violence and Trump's call for more violence? Were you at the Jan. 6th insurrection trying to overthrow our government? Will you be bringing weapons to a Trump protest?

The pic Trump posted suggests violence and you not only understand it, you condone it, then try to deny it.

Trump never advocated violence,
and Jan 6th was a staged for TV event
organized by the FBI.
Where was the 1800 person Capitol Police force on Jan 6th.
Why did they remove the crowd control barriers and escort
people into the Capitol building?
Why was Trump's request for National Guard presence denied.
Why were Pelosi and AOC offsite miles away,
if they were supposed to be conducting a hearing?

@BDair That is just bullshit. Provide evidence not beliefs, you are just confirming that you are a believer and therefore a waste of time.

Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says Requests For National Guard Denied 6 Times In Riots

@BDair umm They were at the Capital on January 6th..doing what they were supposed to do, Count the Electorial Ballots.NOT miles away..
You've proudly outed yourself as a Trumpster, a serf to the Bloviating Orange Nazi, a Racist, Bigot and a White Supremacist.

Violent protesters 'clashing with police!'.
Only the video evidence shows a different scenario.

"New footage of the January 6 riots at the US Capitol shows House speaker Nancy Pelosi calmly trying to take charge of the situation as she sheltered at Fort McNair, two miles south of the Capitol."


"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was not in the U.S. Capitol Building when a mob violently stormed it on January 6 but rather in her Cannon Office Building office. The second-term congresswoman has since recanted her experience during the deadly siege, which she has described as “near-death.” However, no rioters broke into Cannon"


Jan. 6th RIOTERS gone wild!

@BDair didn't you just say it wasn't a violent mob?

Do you see a violent mob in the video?

@BDair Nothing you have posted has proven your conspiracy theories.

Tell these people it was a hoax:

Approximately 518 individuals have pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges, many of whom faced or will face incarceration at sentencing.

Approximately 133 have pleaded guilty to felonies. Another 385 have pleaded guilty to misdemeanors.
A total of 60 of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded to federal charges of assaulting law enforcement officers.

Approximately 26 additional defendants have pleaded guilty to feloniously obstructing, impeding, or interfering with a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder. Of these 86 defendants, 47 have now been sentenced to prison terms of up to 90 months.

Four of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded guilty to the federal charge of seditious conspiracy.


What's even better is that more are being arrested and sentenced.

You didn't answer my questions: So, you like violence and Trump's call for more violence? Were you at the Jan. 6th insurrection trying to overthrow our government? Will you be bringing weapons to a Trump protest?

The pic Trump posted suggests violence and you not only understand it, you condone it, then try to deny it.

Apparently you do not understand how psyops work.

@BDair You are just a believer and therefore a waste of time.

I gave supporting documentation for everything I stated.
All you have is dogma and propaganda.
You are the indoctrinated 'believer'.

@BDair. GOP Rep. Andy Biggs Receives Embarrassing Jan. 6 Fact Check Live On Air


1,000 people have been charged for the Capitol riot. Here's where their cases stand


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