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Remember the TV commercials? Carly Simon won a Grammy for her 1971 song. But that's just old news. The cartoon addresses today's tenterhooks ๐Ÿ˜‚

Flyingsaucesir 8 Mar 24

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The curly haired blond boy looks really familiar.


Every time I hear a commercial using a great old song I think of all the young people who never heard it until then and will for ever think of it as a song about the product.

The commercials aired in the 1970s, contemporaneously with the song. So in this case, I don't think misleading today's young people is an issue. Anyway, we all have far more information at our fingertips today. For instance, there is an app that can "listen" to a snippet of any musical recording and immediately tell you the artist, title, genre, release date, etc., etc. Then you can find any number of YouTube videos of performances of the piece.

Thatโ€™s okay, most kids our age wouldnโ€™t have heard great classical music without the help of Warner Bros. cartoons Saturday mornings! ๐Ÿ˜


I donโ€™t buy any other brand of ketchup! Iโ€™ve never found any I liked better. Squeeze bottles have helped the flow issue. ๐Ÿ˜

Thank you. I would buy this only in a squeeze bottle.

Same here. Though I don't use very much.
You can get it with sugar instead of the HFCS and regular sugar instead.

Putting a knife into the ketchup also stopped the flow problem. They played up this as a problem because the song was catchy and helped sell the product but they could have easily just solved the issue.

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