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A priest was punished for saying clergy should report sex abuse confessions
Rev. James E. Connell put the safety of children over the confessions of abusers. Now the Catholic Church won't allow him to hear any confessions.

ADKSparky 8 Mar 25

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Hi! The preist did the right thing even though he got in trouble with the church its all about them not the preist himself.


I feel like the cover up is as bad if not worse than the crime.

The coverup got Nixon


The Diocese of Syracuse will file for bankruptcy to limit their liability 🤬🖕


Fucking pig Roger Mahoney, from Los Angeles, moved pedophile priests to other countries, what a POS

Sweed Level 4 Mar 26, 2023

I recently watched the documentary about the indigenous children kidnapped to catholic institutions and tortured physically and sexually. This went on as recently as he 1970's.


Fuck these priests by raging bulls wearing sandpaper condoms without lube.

I like that
I usually say "Fuck them in the ass with a 4x4 without lube"


Typical rcc bullshit.


There aren't enough Hail Mary's to cleanse one's actions for a small crime, much less an evil one.
Will the fucking catholic church at least tell these "pious" confessors that they can only be forgiven if they turn themselves in, fuck no those mother fuckers. I'm hearing Tim Minchin singing his Pope song: fuck the mother fuckers.....fuck the mother fuckers........ fuck the mother fucking pope.


I'm sure some of the confessions would strike too close to home so they nixed it.


The Catholic Church is a fundamentally corrupt institution, founded on a pack of lies.


Seems like they would have stopped confiding in him anyhow….🤔

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