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There may be up to 300 billion tons of water on the Moon.


Beowulfsfriend 9 Mar 27

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Tang will be happy.


And tapping it will be sooo easy, and...Why?


Yet nary a chance of drowning!


I am dead against anything on the moon because knowing us humans, we will fuck things up and the moon is too important regarding our orbit but especially tides. Not to mention women's menstrual cycles ie fertility.

puff Level 8 Mar 28, 2023

Ah! But imagine the fantastic spectacle if the earth and moon could collide! Women's bodies would go truly awry and the news would be full of Tsunami stories!

@Petter Don't use a natural satellite, make one. A death star crashing into Earth would be much more fun. Plus, imagine the havoc an extra massive satellite up there could have on tides and...........................other bits.

@puff How about all non-fanatical, intelligent people move to Mars, then persuade Venus to change orbit and bounce around on earth.

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