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Jesus carrying a cross to good friday

St-Sinner 9 Apr 8

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Jesus was actually a Pastafarian. R'amen.

BDair Level 8 Apr 10, 2023

Not my cross to beer.


Beer helps the burden of pain of the cross. Happy to swallow the BS to go down smooth.


Making fun of religion is not near as much fun as making fun of religious people...little do some of them realize the extreme harm.....I have to believe that, thinking they might actually know, is just too horrorable. Though I'm sure some do.......


I would like to try their beer if only just once.

Over priced and under flavoured, with a pointlessly high alcohol content.


Utterly tasteless. The brand of beer, that is! 🤣😂


Old Christian saying. "We all choose our own cross."

( Which is odd if you think about it. Because surely according to Christian dogma, Jesus did the cross bit for all of us anyway ? )

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