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This ia a powerful way to show the daily horror wrought by weapons of war. Unfortunately, I've come to believe that the only way to change the worship of the 2ndA is to post Photos of the carnage a single bullet does To a Child body..


Protesters calling for gun safety legislation were blocked from bringing caskets inside Tennessee's Capitol, but a recently reinstated legislator escorted an i...

Charlene 9 Apr 18

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I agree! Blur the kids' faces and post the photos!


I don't believe there's any amount of blood or any number of children's corpses that will change the minds of the majority of gun lovers. They will turn schools into prisons and try to arm teachers before ever considering any restrictions on guns. Then when all the teachers quit they'll probably just replace them with semi-trained military-wannabes.


I do not see that as being effective with the closed-minded legislators.

I see the only way of changing their minds is to kill every member of their families using high velocity bullets and then to see all the blood and guts splattered over the walls and floors of their houses.

I don't advocate murder but I understand the frustration and the anger it produces. They will only change their minds when their careers and access to the coffers and elite are at risk.

@Betty Agreed. Short form: they are not going to change as things stand at the moment.

@anglophone They are not motivated to change. Greed prevents any sort of common sense.

@Betty Well-said!


Until the dirty money in our politics is eliminated there will be no end to this nightmare. Fuck you, Wayne LaPierre.

MizJ Level 8 Apr 18, 2023 do know that Guns Aren't Allowed inside the auditoriums when they hold their Cult of Death conventions,yes?

@Charlene Yes, I was aware of that policy. I am just beyond disgusted, even the responsible gun owners I know have quit the NRA as they are also disgusted.


That is one tactic that is needed. There are several more we must use.

Until they see and understand the utter destruction of a child's body by an M16..Nothing will change, the public is too removed from it. Remember Vietnam, the public supported it till they Saw the thousands of body bags on nightly news..same with Civil Rights, nothing moved people until Emmett Tills mother Showed what had been done to him..

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