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The dentist who lives about a quarter of a mile from me, was arrested yesterday for drug dealing. It just goes to show how little one sometimes knows about people.
I have been using his services for the past ten years and never knew he was a dentist.

Petter 9 Apr 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I know a former veterinarian who became quite fond of ketamine. Now we know that ketamine works wonders for several varieties of mental illness and can moderate addictions. I came to find out that his use of the ketamine wasn't appreciated by his partners. And guess what, his diploma wasn't real!!




It's long been well known that those who have access to drugs can become abusers.....My Costco pharmacy had the nicest, most personable, and competent pharmacists...4-5 or them.
2 weeks ago they were All gone, replacd by 2 incompetent defensive nincompoops, sadly.


Didn't you wonder why your mouth was sore after a couple hours after you would visit him? ๐Ÿ˜‚

That wasnโ€™t the service heโ€™s been using.

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