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God's word is final and he also said ... "Life begins at birth.. Gen 2:7"

St-Sinner 9 Apr 26

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Yes, but there the mother has no choice, god is a cruel as---le, who wants to do it to them against their will. With as much blood pain and death for the mothers as possible. It just is no fun for him if they choose to do it themselves, in a safe, clean and painless way.


You know you're going to be accused of "cherry picking",


By the word, Christian abortion Genocide is false.


But the religios nutters will soon want to investigate women for abortions that occur spontaneously, also known as miscarriages.
Did she have a coffee? Homicide.
Did she watch an unapproved movie? Homicide.
Did she have sex? Homicide

etc etc


But Wait, there's more: "life begins at the first breath"!
and the price to be paid for causing an inadvertent abortion... (in todays money about 50 cents)....sorry i cannot give chapter & verse as i have no babble in my home but trust me, it's there

That is Jewish thoughts on the matter. And this is why this Talibornagain nonsense is violating the establishment of a religion.

@BufftonBeotch ummm, no, those are actual passages from the babble.

@AnneWimsey Many parts of the Old Testament are interchangeable with the Torah.

@BufftonBeotch true, but many Evangelical Xians greatly enjoy the sadistic outlook of the OT, it is soooo not 'a jewish thing'...which BTW sounds rather racist......

@AnneWimsey Jewish theology says life begins are at first breath.
Individual Jewish people may have thoughts on the matter. However, it a violation of the first amendment to establish that life begins at conception based on the narrow interpretation of selected texts by a slim minority of radical christians.

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