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If you can believe that....

We Had the Vaccine the Whole Time

'You may be surprised to learn that of the trio of long-awaited coronavirus vaccines, the most promising, Moderna’s mRNA-1273, which reported a 94.5 percent efficacy rate on November 16, had been designed by January 13. This was just two days after the genetic sequence had been made public in an act of scientific and humanitarian generosity that resulted in China’s Yong-Zhen Zhang’s being temporarily forced out of his lab. In Massachusetts, the Moderna vaccine design took all of one weekend. It was completed before China had even acknowledged that the disease could be transmitted from human to human, more than a week before the first confirmed coronavirus case in the United States. By the time the first American death was announced a month later, the vaccine had already been manufactured and shipped to the National Institutes of Health for the beginning of its Phase I clinical trial. This is — as the country and the world are rightly celebrating — the fastest timeline of development in the history of vaccines. It also means that for the entire span of the pandemic in this country, which has already killed more than 250,000 Americans, we had the tools we needed to prevent it .'


BDair 8 Apr 28

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As long as I don't take the vaccines, I feel save. .Due to alternative lifestyle, of natural food and medicines.. The opposite of what the sheep are programed to think by Government, media and the highest profiteers in the world. I'm surrounded by a drug addictive society for life with so many dysfunctional underlined serious health conditions. Top Politicians, drugs and media are at the top of the parisite food chain.


The theories, lies and misinformed have a direct influence on my own beliefs. I knew the virus was from the Chinese lab beyond that I find on here so many different ways it escaped, how long it's been around and how many more to expect.
If a lab was closer than 50 feet from first contact it's a 1:1 shot it came from the lab. If first contact was over 100 miles it may have had to travel on a person.
My concern is why didn't the doctors and some nurses get the shot? How does that figure in? They know more than they're talking about??


I'm glad I am not as ate up with this crap as you are. You must be afraid of some posts because I am banned from your main cult post on vaccines and Covid.

The Qult does have some wackadoodle ideas.

The whole post has the smell of bullshit. In other words, nothing new from @BDair.


And an interesting aside....

Scientists Discover DNA Chunk in COVID That Matches Moderna Patented Sequence from Before Pandemic

COVID-19 is the most severe global pandemic since the influenza pandemic of 1918. A group of researchers discovered that COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) has a small piece of DNA that matched the genetic sequence patented by Moderna Inc. three years before the start of the pandemic in 2021. A Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) search for the 12-nucleotide insertion led us to a 100% reverse match in a proprietary sequence (SEQ ID11652, nt 2751-2733) found in the U.S. patent 9,587,003 filed on February 4, 2016. In bioinformatics, BLAST is an algorithm and program for comparing primary biological sequence information, such as the amino-acid sequences of proteins or the nucleotides of DNA and/or RNA sequences. Moderna filed the patent as part of its cancer research division. COVID-19 is made up of 30,000 letters of genetic code that carry the information it needs to spread that are known as nucleotides. The commonality was a very small piece made up of 19 nucleotides. Analysis of the original COVID-19 genome found the virus shares a sequence of 19 specific letters with a genetic section owned by Moderna, which has a total of 3,300 nucleotides, according to the report.


BDair Level 8 Apr 28, 2023

A DNA chunk is not a DNA sequence. Homo Sapiens share many "chunks" with other life forms, we share even more with other mammals. Google taxonomy.

@MizJ you're scared , looking for any excuse to not be scared.. you should be scared....

Ghislaine Maxwell trafficed children to who? Where? The Florida state persecutor said that Jeffery Epstein was part of the intelligence community? That's okay? Right? Nothing to see....

See no evil fear no evil...

@laidback1 hahahahahahaha Scared?! The only aspect of all this crap that scares me is that so many are gullible enough to believe so much disinformation. I have had drinks with military intelligence personnel, driven a taxi at night, and taken enough college level science classes to know that the word "chunk" is BULLSHIT.

@MizJ These freaks are trying to get vaccinated people banned from public places.
The vaccine is like projectile leprosy or something.

@BufftonBeotch The libraries should remain safe, the only things they read are written by nameless people with secret knowledge they find via Google. Many members of that cult come to Florida where they can wear flip-flops and not have to figure out how to tie their shoes.

@MizJ @BufftonBeotch The non-coding parts of human DNA (called introns) are chock full of old viral DNA. Some of it dates back to ancestors who were not even human.

@MizJ that aside scaredy cat,the fact that they patented a sequence, meaning they knew it was coming.. are you really that daft?

@MizJ are you really that dumb? What is the excuse for coming up with a sequence & patent it Before hand? wtf.. seriously...

@Flyingsaucesir Exactly. As organisms became more complex so did their DNA

@Flyingsaucesir, @laidback1 Cite that

@Flyingsaucesir, @laidback1 The vaccines use MessengerRNA, not DNA.

@Flyingsaucesir, @laidback1 I am impressed by your attacking me personally instead of my argument. It's like a trip down junior high school Memory Lane.

@MizJ Pay no attention to him. He's a just a little conspiracy theorist.

@MizJ I blocked that one. He was going into stalking mode. And I almost never block anyone, only if they do something like that.
The vaccine was developed so quickly because of astounding advances in genetic research that has been going on over the past couple of decades.
It is probably the best hope to find a cure for many diseases. And it is stem cells.
But no matter what a right wing loonatoo will tell you, those stem cells are not harvested from embryos bred to be aborted.

@MizJ And they write TGIF on the strap.
Not in celebration of the weekend. But to remind themselves that "Toes Go In First."

@BufftonBeotch Scientists also had data from the first SARS virus and other coronaviruses (I am sure you knew this). It's rather ironic that the Google Research Warriors slept through high school science yet know so much decades later.

@MizJ Yes. COVID -19 was a mutation of a previous virus. Covid has even long been listed as a virus that Lysol has on its label that it is effective against.

The stories of the 1918 flu are terrifying. Young healthy people could wake up feeling fine and be dead strangled in lung fluids by evening.

@BufftonBeotch I attended a lecture re 1918 a few years before Covid struck. The major parallel I see is the intentional government lying. A century ago it was due to the number of soldiers both spreading the illness and dying; fast forward and it was purely political.

@MizJ fuck you, sick of people like you who ignore children being raped for blackmail purposes of scientists and other policy makers,to fucking fuck with us all ... While you pretending you're so fucking smart pulling at threads

@laidback1 My neighbor and I are keeping a log of potential incidents to turn over to DCF regarding a child on our street. Fuck me for caring about reality. Bad shit happens to people of all ages. There are evil people in this world. Being aware of all of that does not mean believing conspiracy crap written by some incel living in his mother's basement. Many thanks for showing your true character by hurling insults and profanity at me.

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