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I just entered a religious discussion on Fb. This should be fun.

onthefire 7 May 2

Enjoy being online again!

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There are only a few ways this can go for you.
One, you have an awesome time as you be a complete shit disturber that's triggering all the other people in the chat.
Two, you're demonized by them to the point it's hilarious!
Three, you spend the entire time correcting their spelling and grammar mistakes while making epically ironic jokes that soar over their heads.
Or four, they find you, gag and bound you, and kidnap you to silence your blasphemy.
Those are the ways it could go.
Edit: didn't notice this was American at first, there is a fifth option if you're in the states, you could be shot, that's another possibility.


I hope so because I'm bored with talking to these people.


Cliff notes after please!

Proto Level 6 May 3, 2018

This is the meme that started it all. My response was "Gravity is just a theory as well, let's throw dumb ass from the top of the capital building." Things went down hill from there.


Sic 'em!

I wish facts mattered to everyone.


It's going better than expected, especially for being in Indiana.

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