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How to watch the Eta Aquarid meteor shower — a burst of 'shooting stars' left by Halley's Comet — peak this weekend


TheoryNumber3 8 May 5

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So far clouds have kept us here in Ellensburg from getting a good view. Not looking good for the Eta Aquarid either☹️.
It's been frustrating.


I'll probably miss this one. I enjoy meteor showers when I can get out of the city. When my kids were young, my neighbor and I would take our kids to a dark hill, which, at the time, I had access to, and let the kids sit in the back of a pickup and watch.


I'll be too busy watching the coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla.

Mmmmm....I'll pass on that.

@pamagain My future MIL wants to watch, however, I'll be avoiding that. My too often rants against the monarchy could be disturbing. If you want a slight history lesson, punctuated with humor, check out Frankie Boyles Farewll to the Monarchy on YouTube.

@Beowulfsfriend Thanks! I can't handle watching Camilla simper in all those jewels!

@Beowulfsfriend THANK YOU for the suggestion! Frankie Boyles is brilliant and ''sly fox funny''. I loved Queen Elizabeth the first in drag!!!

One shooting star is as good as another, right? Maybe I'll get me a big hat and a carriage and try to pass as somebody snooty.

@TheoryNumber3 Any boor can be snooty. One needs years of breeding and practice before being able to be acceptably aristocratic.

@Petter Well like I always say... if you're lucky enough to fall out of the right birth canal it gives you an attitude.

@TheoryNumber3 Do I have an attitude?

@Petter you have to ask?

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