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Theodore Roosevelt, was he a good president? Do you think he can win today if he was alive?

Humanlove 7 May 2

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He was no better or worse than most of the others. He did start the National Park Service, and was a big conservationist.
He would be labeled a liberal by today's republican "standards". He left the GOP and started the Bull Moose party because he was sick of what the republican party had become.
Abraham Lincoln wouldn't even be considered a "good republican" by today's definitions.
The GOP has lost it's way, conservatives are deliberately obtuse, and our republic is in danger.
TR would be appalled.

Actually, he started the Bull Moose party because he lost the 1912 GOP nom to Taft, who controlled the party machinery and the convention. TR was more popular with the GOP voters than Taft but that didnt matter because this was pre-primary conventions.


I think in a way he was. He implemented Social Security (saw the benefits of this in Germany) .. "Tread softly but carry a big stick" is not appropriate any more. America should throw away the stick and use diplomacy instead.

FDR got the Social Security Act passed in 1935. TR did propose a national health insurance and old-age pensions and Bismarck had gotten a system of old-age benefits in Germany in the 1880's I believe.

@eric788 Yes, you are right. Germany became the first nation in the world to adopt an old-age social insurance program in 1889, designed by Germany's Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck. .. starting at age 70 but later was dropped to 65. and the myth is that America adopted age 65 as the age for retirement benefits because this was the age adopted by Germany when they created their program.


I agree with his stand on monopolies. If anyone is interested, The Bully Pulpit by Goodwin is an insightful read.


I'd vote for him.

You'd not vote for Teddy?

Well, at 68 I'm pretty much the 'grouchy old man'
Can you imagine how mean you could get by 150?


No great political leader would stand a chance nowadays. There would be youtubes of FDR in motion. George Washington's expenses would have him under indictment. JFK`s affairs and gangsta family connections. Lincolns wife and her depression. Churchill's "black dog"
We demand open government but what we get is transparent shallowness.


Roosevelt , overall, was one of the great presidents. He was one of the few Republican progressives -- a man who showed concern for the people, nature, and democracy. He di nave a huge ego, and more of an imperialist than I would have liked. Still, he was one of the greats.


He was a pretty straightforward, take no bullshit type of guy. Parties aside. Any guy that takes a bullet and can still finish his speech is ok in my book. Pretty badass. We need more of that



I wonder how an undead president would run. I mean, the constitution says they can only serve two terms, but does that follow past death or reset upon reanimation?

what do you mean by "bully"?

@0752532706 he used to say bully as slang for "great" or "wonderful"

@LadyAlyxandrea thanks for clarification.


I think he was awesome! He was proof that you could be a Republican and not a complete dipshit at the same time. I get the distinct feeling he'd be more than happy to whoop the ass of every Republican currently in office.


He was a rather eccentric character on which many stories are based. He was elected when Mc Kinley was assassinated so you can say he was not elected but appointed. Could he have won an election back then is something that History will never understand. Yet he created some of the most prolific and monumental structures that will hopefully remain so. His life story is fascinating as well as tragic in many ways but his resilience and foresight are what made him the figure on Mt. Rushmore where I believe he so deserves to be memorialized.

After being elected McKinley's Vice President and acceeding to the presidency upon McKinney's death in 1901, Roosevelt won the election of 1904 in a landslide.

@cmadler Having proved himself during his interim meant a lot. Would he ever have been able to come into an election and convince the Voters that his accomplishments were going to as historical as they have turned out to be and will hopefully remain. He had to be forced into taking the Vice President position which he thought was mundane and which he reluctantly took. He did great things and I much admire his style and swagger that others were not so impressed about. He reminds me of George S. Patton whom after reading his biography realized his brilliance as both a leader and person of conviction who knew the right thing that needed to be done over what others thought.


Word on the street, he was an avid reader. That skill alone, separate him from the pack. As far as if he would've whatever, well that's a question with an infinite amount of possibilities.... You'll see how different responses will keep piling up.

To read his Bio is a fascinating read that you would enjoy. He was a very lovable and concerned person who loved nature, humanity and his country. Get a good Author who has access to all of his letters and official record as President, Governor etc, with a supported Bibliography which you don't have to read but it adds to the structure of his persona. I will always love Arsenic and Old Lace.

@Nevermind345 I have, thx


He would have a strong showing in the primary but his voters would be dismissed as Teddy Bros.


Teddy Roosevelt was a big game hunter and was pretty right-wing. He hated leftists, especially anarchists. The Roosevelt Doctrine essentially proclaims United States imperialism in the Americas to be legitimate by decree. He had a certain amount of swagger and charisma that allowed him to get away with murder. For this he got his face on Mount Rushmore. Does any of this make him a good president? Honestly I cannot think of a president I admire. I am the wrong man to ask.

But could he win? Perhaps. I certainly didn't think tRunp would win. Between gerrymandering, hanging chads and rigged electronic Diebold voting machines, I don't know if voting even matters. Not that it was ever much more than a Pepsi vs. Coke or good cop vs. bad cop routine anyway.


I think his lack of knowledge in the field of cellular phones alone would greatly diminish his chances of having even a remote shot at being elected into office today. Plus, you can't have facial hair and monocle type corrective eye-wear and be elected in this day an age. But he could possibly re-vamp the conservation who knows?


Check out the 1912 Bull Moose platform.....


Yes and yes.


No he was just a braggart, hhhmmmm reminds me of somebody. He was a Big Game Hunter, PETA would rip him a new one.

Somebody should rip PETA one, they are not what they appear to be.

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