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I just heard some very interesting news. There are recordings of Rudy Giuliani discussing a tax evasion scheme that he apparently carried out, as well as evidence of obstruction of justice, and
conspiring with Trump to sell pardons at $2 million a pop. And Giuliani's former assistant is suing him for sexual assault and sexual harassment in the workplace.

The assistant has tens of thousands of emails to, from, and about everybody in Trump's inner circle: Bannon, Flynn, Stone, Ivanka, Jared, Meadows, Rudy,...EVERYBODY! 😂

Rudy couldn't be bothered to look at his own emails. It was her job to go through them and tell him which ones were important.

So her lawyers are going through all that as part of discovery in the lawsuit.

There will undoubtedly be some juicy fruit falling from that tree.

Needless to say, I laughed out loud when I heard this news. 😂

You probably heard that the jury in the E. Jean Carroll case found Trump liable for sexual battery and defamation. They awarded Carroll five million dollars in damages.

Trump turned around the next day and defamed Carroll again on national TV. He called her liar and a "wackjob" in what CNN billed as a "town hall."

Carroll's lawyers are preparing to sue Trump again for defamation. This would be a slam dunk. Trump has already been a found liable on the central question (sexual assault), so that wouldn't have to re-litigated. And there is no doubt that Trump committed new bad acts; he did it on prime time TV. 😂




Flyingsaucesir 8 May 16

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Pillars of virtue. That's what they want us to think they are..... What they really are is disgusting perverted arrogant entitled assholes.

You said it!😎👍

Depraved is what they are. The details are nauseating to thing of, that black head sweat, nasty man forcing a woman young enough to be his grand-daughter to perform oral sex on him.
And for the rancid cherry on this shit sundae?

He never paid her.

@BufftonBeotch In truth, there aren't enough pejoratives in the english language to describe him.


Finally, another piece of shit prepares to be flushed. The stench from all the other enablers stings the nose like an overused outhouse. That's MAGA America.

Another moment of truth was when Tommy Tuberville equated white nationalists with MAGA Republicans. 😐

@Flyingsaucesir It makes me especially mad because Jan 6 should have been a bloodbath with mostly bad people getting what they deserved. It took a lot of planning to prevent that from happening as it should have. I am sick to death of all these traitors strutting and swaggering from having got away with it. Even the few that got slapped on the wrist. Where else in the world could that happen? MAGA mocks us all, and they have the complete support of the Deep State.

@racocn8 My belief in a deep state is on a par with my belief in God, i.e. close to zero. 😂

@racocn8 When I am debating one of these people who say J6 was peaceful patriots (Or BLM or Antifa, they seem conflicted on this,) I tell them that maybe Ashli Babbit should have complied.
I often get blocked after that.

@BufftonBeotch Sometimes it's hard for people to admit that they have been duped, swindled, lied to, bamboozled, ripped off, and/or shat on.


If Giuliani had just wandered away after 2001 he would've been regarded by history as a leader and a man of the people as his legacy. Sadly , he hitched his wagon to Trump's star and crashed and burned like an airliner that lost an engine. I've never seen anyone fall as hard and spectacular as Rudy. He's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen and it's been entertaining as hell watching him implode.

Indeed, spectacular describes it well. 😂


I couldn't bare to watch Trump haveing sex on film as evidence. I did catch a clip of his wife having sex as she did some porn before marriage.

Which wife was this?

@Flyingsaucesir The third immigrant bride. The one wearing nothing but a leash hanging from her whatwhat.

E Carroll said it was so small she could not tell if he penetrated her.

Like a neutered pug on a pillow.


Watched Melania Trump before Trump in a porn videos for free, on and I was gagging from Melania who swallowed a foot long dong and ate the devils chocolate. Shows me what it takes, to have married President Trump.

I was unaware she made porn videos. Do you have proof of this?

@ChestRockfield Oh. Honey.

The proof is out there. Don't even have to dig deep in the Internet.

And the right wing religios said FLOTUS Michelle Obama looked like a slut for wearing a sleeveless dress.
But they think the 3rd lady is classy.

Hypocrisy is a practiced skill with them.

@ChestRockfield, @Castlepaloma There should be a gag emoji. I guess she doesn't have one either.

I'm bad at searching the internet, I guess. Can you post me a link?

@ChestRockfield See if castlepaloma will give specifics. I'm not falling for your game. I doubt they will either. You want us to post porn links? lol?
You must think we're idiots.
Google Image Melania Trump porn will give you the mild R stuff though.

I'm asking because I think if it were true it would be easily verifiable, yet, all I can find is that spread from GQ.
And no, I'm not trying to trick anyone. You think you could get in trouble? Here? For posting a link? When people are posting actual full nudes, every day? No. And if you're still that worried, just PM the link to me. I honestly don't think one exists.

@ChestRockfield Do you know how to get to Google Image?
That is all you need to do. Type Melania Trump porn.

@Castlepaloma We know that foot long was not Donnies.

He'd be cocktail sausage.

@BufftonBeotch I tried that, of course, and the only things other than the GQ spread are deep fakes. They even say so under the thumbnails. Again, unless someone can post a link to a porn video, this just seems like libel. And I'm no Melania fan. I think she's a fucking pile of trash. But at least talk shit about actual reasons to hate her, there are plenty.

@ChestRockfield Libel?

@BufftonBeotch That would be what that is, no?


Trump has taken Giuliani from America's Mayor to Fredo.

Rudy always had Fredo tendencies.
The older he gets, and the more his dementia grows, the less careful he is with his behavior.
These assholes almost always are the architects of their own undoing.

Rudy was always a loose cannon and publicity hound, even as NY DA. But it took a Trump to help him realize his true potential.

Beginning to suspect he threw the Italian mobs out at the behest of the Russian mobs.

@KKGator This is really bad. I was watching last night.
Lawrence O Donnell on MSNBC had it all if you can stream it.

As bad as we already thought the rude ghoul was?

He is magnitudes worse.

@Flyingsaucesir I hear you can get him to do a video message for 200 bucks now, So Trump has taken him from a potential presidential candidate to a YouTube kissagram whore. Wow, if that is how much potential he unlocked in Fredo, imagine what he could do for America with 4 more years?

@273kelvin Trump is trying to be a sort of apocalyptic cult leader. That sort of thing never ends well.

@KKGator Yes he did. After his mayor time was up, he was often seen in the company of known mobsters.

That is not fair to Fredo.


The more the merrier.
Unfortunately, his adoring followers will file away all the revelations and court findings in their brains' massive WOM storage areas.
(Write Only Memory)

She has tapes. She was forced to perform oral sex on him while he was on the phone because "he wanted to feel like Clinton."

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