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Novak Djokovic is the first pureblood (unvaxxed) tennis player who recent has recapture his number
One ranking in the tennis world. Another sign the unvaccinated are the healthiest people in the world.. From now on my new pronoun name is pure blood , not anti vaxxer.

Castlepaloma 8 May 17

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Oh geez, you're hilarious. I just saw where your pure blood # 1 got taken down in Rome by Holger Rune, an up and coming player I've never heard of. Since you're only 68, you know what they say, 'It ain't over till the fat lady sings'............

I've just got started to a new level.

Rune has got 22 more grand slams to reach Novak and nobody in this tournament will surpass his no. One Status.


Well, I'm Pureblooded.

BDair Level 8 May 17, 2023

I saw Gates when it first came out on Teds Talk, it haunted me a bit ever since.

When the mandates and shutdown were on . I couldn't find a date or anywhere to take them out to. Today many will pay for my unvaccinated sperm.




You are one helluva a bad nut.

Do they buy this human centipede end product diarrhea you are spewing out on Truth Social?

Bill Gates has promoted vaccines worldwide second to the Government. He wanted to reduce world population by 10% to 15%, looks like he alway gets what he wants. He has brag often about making far more profit on vaccines than Microsoft. Most extreme and most despicable.


What bullshit! 😂

Djokovic was already a highly-ranked tennis player before the pandemic, before any of his rivals ever got vaccinated. Duh!

There is absolutely no evidence that vaccination has adversely affected the performance of Djokovic's competitors.

But if there were, that would mean Djokovic isn't really all that good; that he only wins because the competition is artificially handicapped. I'm no expert, but the spectacular level of play we are seeing does not support the notion that vaccinated players are handicapped. It looks like Djokovic is winning fair and square.

However, because he's such an asshole, we can still put an asterisk by his name in the record books if you like. 😂


I'd put more weight onto the idea that a healthy diet and the exercise program of a professional athlete made him healthy, rather than a lack of vaccination(s).

For persons who don't watch what they eat so much and don't exercise much, vaccinations are still the best way to prevent some illnesses.

Certainly healthy food, exercise and everything in nature for medicine is all we need . When the leading cause of death in the world is through doctors errors and Pharmaceutical drugs. Can't imagine vaccines being not the worst blunder in modern history, and not making anyone superhuman. I like Novak at his age is an great example for me. Don't know of anyone here as a senior in their profession, Who is active in an physical world class level profession. At my age of 68 still in international sculpture completion, where I've placed 195 times and still having great success and sex . From growing healthy superfood plants. Ive given them spring water and healthy nutrition foods. , right humidity and wind for excerize. It stands the best chance of fighting any bugs or disease thrown at it. Most anything politician and media feed or inject into you , is bad for you. If vaccines covid death are 80% over age 80. What is really killing them , covid or two or more underline other health conditions? I,m not turning my life up side down over someone's dead grandma.

Totally agree. I have been eating organic foods for more than 25 years, take some high quality nutritional supplements as well as a diet of seeds, nuts, organic fruits and veggies as well as some Green tea, White tea, Chamomile tea, but it’s more than just that. Your shampoo, soaps must also be free of toxic ingredients. I have not been to a doctor in WELL OVER 40 years and IMO are only good at prescribing drugs and performing surgery and are almost totally useless when it comes to knowledge of nutrition and how to prevent disease. But it’s not a surprise because guess who trains these physicians? Big Pharma!!

@CuddyCruiser Western medicine certainly does not place enough importance on diet.

@Flyingsaucesir There is no incentive to do so. Why would big Pharma want a healthy population? Then no one would need their poison. In reality most health conditions have very simple underlying causes, but drug companies don’t want anyone to know that.

I was starting to think I was living in a Woody Allen film called sleeper. Where a health food store is bad, and in the future ice-cream, cake , chocolate was all healthy.


Virgin woman gives birth to sin-free, god-like son.
Another sign that women who shag produce sinful, devilish children.

I'm probably less religious than an atheist, Because I don't talk about religion as much or have to defend myself from them. The demons would more relate to the religious who totally dominate the Government power and they call atheist group a religion. That's many of the nonbelievers on the site who just bow down to Government like sheep. I relate to King Kong who bows down to no one.


Wow! Pure blood does not prevent polio. To vax or not to vax. The choice is yours. It's sort of like whether you want to get a tattoo or not. Some have them and some do not. There are no studies to show people are healthier for ignoring health recommendations. That info is just not available, but yourself and a couple of others here keep acting as though it is.

I already gave examples posted below. Personally all the unvaccinated people I know in Nova Scotia didn't catch covid. Controversial to the propaganda continuous lies from the Government and pharmaceutical science. I like to know things and don't trust the Government as much as the Indians said, never trust the Government.

It has always been known that a naturally acquired immunity is far superior to vaccine induced immunity, even polio. You don't vaccinate those who have a natural immunity..........until covid came along.
The thing with polio is the risk of severe illness obtaining a natural immunity is too great so a vaccine is a better option. The same cannot be said for covid for the vast majority of the population.


How exactly does him not being vaccinated prove that he’s healthier than those who were vaccinated? He is number one ranked in tennis because he’s currently the best tennis player in the world…nothing to do with him being “pure blooded”…frankly that is a completely “puerile” argument to make. He was already #1 prior to Covid and has managed to retain that ranking, good for him. The problem arises when inferences are made and conclusions drawn about how his non-vaccinated status turns him into a true blooded superman …that frankly is hyperbolic nonsense!

Novak had to miss nearly half his tennis tournament over vaccines status. And still number 1 tennis player and more importantly tied with the most grand slams. He doesn't need fat security guards to surround him to protect his covid health. Just give that to the vaccinated.and try to teach about healthy food instead. Sweden is another example they didn't shut down their businesses, schooling, social gathering over covid and had less deaths per capita than North America. AFRICA continent had 15 times less covid deaths than NORTH America and 1/8 the vaccines. It's a free world , go ahead and join the world's leading cause of death, doctors errors and pharmaceutical drugs. I grow healthy food and medicine and affordable tiny house, let's see who lives longer. My hololistic doctor is 109 years old, how long do mainstream doctors live for, 70 maybe 75 year livespan. I'll alway go with the healthiest example , not political, medical, and media delusionalist.

@Castlepaloma Ok…by that kind of reasoning…I’m 78 and I’ve never had Covid - I must be Superwoman right? I have taken all the vaccinations and booster jabs offered, but apart from that I am going about my normal activities and travel without fear of becoming ill. I know that I’ve been exposed to Covid because almost half of my choir have been infected but I still have tested negative. Of course I’m not Superwoman, I am probably just one of the lucky people who through either vaccination or natural immunity is not succumbing to the virus. I’d say Novak is in the same category as me…lucky, and of course in his case, a supremely fit and talented athlete too.

It is always extremely dangerous to draw any conclusions from scant knowledge and statistics in the way you and others have done, because they can be interpreted to mean anything you want them to. But of course to the conspiracy theorists and anti-vaccination nuts this kind of jumping to conclusions is meat and drink, and confirmation that they, and only they, are right…but only in their heads as far as the rest of us are concerned ..those of us who are more concerned with logic and evidence.


Your logic and unproven vaccines works is being mix in with natural environment greenpassport being the next step of the New World order. Reset You are lucky because the majority of Americans caught covid were the majority who were fully vaccinated,
I experienced my worst time ever along with the likes of the majority of Canadain who say Canada is broken for the first time ever. I haven't traveled for 4 years because like Novak my health is most important.
MY Score is 0 covid to the majority of Americans.. Every one of unvaccinated people I know didn't catch covid. I love knowing things.

All they had to do, is take iverm9ectin like in the continent of Africa and stop covid deaths by to Europe and North America No no , no, its we the Government first, not We the people. I'm very intuitive person. I'll take the extreme logic over compliance theory any day. Corporationism and Government is no boss of me. It was set up 30 years ago to call slavery by another name. Owning what goes in or out of a person body, is ultimately being a slave. By abstract thinkers, who don't love me, is my most horrible nightmare. I'd rather die than be a slave.

@Castlepaloma. I’m sorry and apologise for being rude…but what you have written is utter bollox…because the majority of hospitalisations and deaths have been from the unvaccinated population worldwide, and by a rather large margin!


Rudeness, insults, insincere apologizes and what people think of me, just bounces off of me. if its not the truth it doesn't penitrate this well being of me.. I know your capable of expressing great truths, it's just the vaccines is the greatest lie and con of our lifetime so far.

@Marionville "because the majority of hospitalisations and deaths have been from the unvaccinated population worldwide, and by a rather large margin!".
True in overall numbers, but not true if you start counting AFTER the vaccine was released ie of course all deaths/ hospitalisations occurred amongst the unvaccinated before a vaccine was widely available. But in the case of Australia which had over 90% of its population inoculated, the vast majority of hospitalisations was amongst the "vaccinated" (probably because the pre-emptive medicine used is no vaccine for the simple fact it does not stop transmission ie there will be no herd immunity even if 100% vaccinated. Yet, we still call it a vaccine)


How is this logic possible. According to your UK Office for National Statistics. The estimate, the most detailed analysis to date, suggests 71% of people in England had caught Covid between 27 April 2020 and 11 February 2022. When 89.4 of Britain was double vaccination how two face is the media and politicians telling a completely another phony bologny story. And how many people are being brain washed, wail It's a simular story in North America, we have been had . Also the lowest vaccinated countries in the world had the lowest covid deaths overall. Look at Asia, middleeast and Africa. No wonder after all the sexaul pronouns and vaccines they are all joining the BRICS wail the west collapses all round.

@Castlepaloma I am tired of trying to explain to people who are deliberately obtuse…what the difference is between being vaccinated, getting Covid and recovering….and being unvaccinated and having to be hospitalised or dying from Covid. You are basically not understanding the basic principle of Vaccination, which does not guarantee you will not catch the virus but lessens the severity of it, slows transmission in the population, and over time vastly reduces the mortality rate. Please just stop posting nonsense and everyone will be happy. This thread started because you were making wild claims of Novak Djokovic having superman powers due to him having “pure blood” status…and on that ridiculous statement I’m quoting you more or less directly!


According to most of the world population who didn't get double vaxxed and who have far less covid deaths. I’m more in tune with and perfer their direction from all sides and veiws. I didn't say Novak is superman from another planet. I think he is the best tennis player who ever picked up a 🎾. Having or showing exceptional ability or powers. I'm very physically too. We both would be very hard to kill" Being in a very phyical activity. Know anyone can build a sculpture of 6 acres and weighting 70 thousand tons. Not interested in death rate of covid. . Try tobacco TB, malaria with hoofed animal car accidents, flu, cancer, heart disease, environmental all on going and I could go on and on with greater killers than covid. Wail no fear mongering or what alarm bells go off from them?. What ever happen to kindness and love the disease to death. Since 78% of covid death are obese, love that fat off to death

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