Talk about gender fluid pmsl.
Dylan Mulvaney of Budweiser fame is now a lesbian. Rather than a pronoun "they" it should be "it". Short for "fuckwit". Not sure what to call those that supported him/she/them/it lol
What busines of yours is it?
and how does it hurt your poor widdle 'soul'? Tell your mommy, why doncha...although i strongly doubt She gives a rat's ass, either.......
Because we are brothers (and sisters) Dylan and I. For I also am a lesbian trapped in a man's body
As an adult, I don't care if Dylan surgerically sows three dick on to herself and gets gangbang by lesbians. Lockup your grand kids genitals, when Dylan comes to town . She's like a 5 year old in a candy store. Her products wouldn't encourage me to buy any.
I think the lost for Budweiser is up to 9 $billion now. Dylan also does tampons and training bras commericals, After that, any thing she promotes is up to anyone's wildest imagination , yet could loose your shirt.