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For all newbies or anybody: The Message Feature either doesn't work at all, or erases messages about 10 seconds after they are posted, especially replies to existing messages (weird, right?)
So if you send a message to someone on here, just fergedabowdit, they cannot reply or never got it at all. Nobody knows why, sorry.

AnneWimsey 9 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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well, after all the site seems to be working again. For months it was gone, hidden behind some weird sort of ERROR, not accessible


I will just try one to see if it works using a land line connection. Let me know if you get it.

I indeed got it, but my reply (as is usual now,) disappeared....
But wait, you have a Land Line on your computer????????
1998 called and wants you to cease & desist!

@AnneWimsey It is the latest fibre optic though.


That might explain a LOT! I'm going to assume that quite a few people never got my messages...which is a LOT more comforting than the possibility that they just ignored me!

I have tried at least 7-8 times to thank you/reply to your lovely message & offer right before my shoulder replacement in FEBRUARY...none of them ever went through from what i can tell now

@AnneWimsey Thank you!


I notice on the screen it says socket status: no connection. I have never noticed that before. It is weird, I got a message earlier today, and discovered just now my response did not get sent. @WalterGreens I received your message and I am unable to reply to you.

Mine also says "no connection" for the "socket status" which is something I remember seeing when we first started realizing there were problems a few months ago.

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