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But you knew this right!

1patriot 8 Sep 11

Enjoy being online again!

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The push and requirements for the Covid vaccine helped cover their relocation costs too


If that Epipen saved your child's life (because, for one example the child got peanut butter unawares, or a bee sting), you would incredibly be grateful that pen was there..oh, wait, maybe not, you ARE an idiot.

hard for you to give a real reply is it!

@1patriot ???? i try Very hard to use short, low-syllable words for you and speak to your level.
Being stupid makes you cranky, don't it......

@AnneWimsey that's why you reply angrily to me sorry to hear of your problem...


That's capitalism in a nutshell. Anything and everything that can be made profitable will be. If a corporation could find a way to harvest human souls for profit it would do so. Things like ethics, fairness, and decency are never a factor when it comes to corporate greed.

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