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Perhaps the most disturbing ting about the concept of a literal hell is...

snytiger6 9 Sep 12

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It's the ultimate "Told y'so"
And it's a win win situation, if it's real we get to be smug forever, if we're wrong, then it won't matter because we'll never know and neither will anyone else.


I read once that those in Heaven can look down and see their relatives in Hell. I'm not sure if this would be to keep the heavenly crowd in line or to have the saved ones gloat. "See Charlie I told you not to sin." Not sure what could be true but remember that Heaven has a gate and big walls around it.

Sounds more like a prison to me.

@anglophone After a few thousand years of spending all your time praising god and thanking him for not sending you to hell, they would need the walls to stop everyone from buggering off and seeking asylum with old nick


And a lot of them (Christians) also want to send us (non-believers) to Hell with an apocalypse. They're rubbing their hands in anticipation! (Is this all just a way for them to justify continuing to burn fossil fuels? 🤔😂)

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