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One of Australia's richest men has sparked a global backlash after saying unemployment should jump to remind arrogant workers of their place: []

Talk about an unrepentant a$$hole!

anglophone 9 Sep 14

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Oh dear, some one has had a serious word with Mr Gurner , he can't go about telling the truth like that, rich people have to make at least a pretense at APPEARING to be decent human beings
" "I made some remarks about unemployment and productivity in Australia that I deeply regret and were wrong". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

The last six words I doubt the accuracy of……

Well yes, they are the necessary lie, and the non apology apology

@LenHazell53 Hahaha, yeah, it’s like Ugh. Fine! I’m Sorry! Are You Happy Now?

It probably took a whole day for his PR agency to draft that one.


He likes the invisible hand of the market, until it extends to labour shortages.

Talk about being a hypocrite!


OH, NO! You mean the impoverished masses have forgotten their place? Sheesh! Let a few of them starve..that'll teach 'em!


The wealthy, along with churches, will lead us down a road to Armageddon. Not a nuclear age, but one where people are left to beg on the streets, wait in food bank lines, sleep on the pavement and in green spaces, then go to work again in the morning.


I'd love to see his day sans food, no clean clothes or house, no nothing. Oh, and BTW asshat, no garbage pickup or snowplowing either......


Well it's called class power and class consciousness-- that which 'we're all buddies' America, and 'we're all mates' Australia never want to admit. Without class and power analysis, people live in a fantasy about how their country works. That's why stupid poor and powerless people vote for right wing parties that care nothing for them.

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