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Women's Rights, Pro-Choice, Life & Death.

HankHunter13 7 Sep 14

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To too many the words matter more than the facts on the ground.

"I have made up my mind, and I'll thank you to not confuse me with facts."

@anglophone An old, old friend of mine tells me that her step father, a MAGA hatter, actually said that to her when they were having a discussion about the current state of affairs.

@Flyingsaucesir I infer that the said step father is incapable of joining up the dots. 😟

@anglophone Apparently.


They are blatantly not "pro-life". They are pro-birth, and what happens before and/or after is of absolute no concern to them.


Things like this happen because certain ignorant people actually believe that women use abortion in place of birth control pills. I have met such people. In discussion they might say "who knows how many abortions these women have had." Which women and when did their medical care become your business? They still do not get it and want control of a woman's body. Most of these people are Repuglitcons.


It's not about ''pro life'''s about controlling women!


I'm so glad I don't live in Texas. I hope the boomerang these Christian/MAGA/Republicans hurled at women and girls (and families, and egalitarian, multicultural civilization) comes back and hits them in the head. 🪃


Welcome to the twisted and evil logic of the Rethuglican Party.

And equally twisted and evil logic of evangelical christian nationalists.

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