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Taslima Nasreen was born and grew up in a very conservative society of Bangladesh where murders, assassinations of religion critics are common. There are fatwas by clerics against her too, but she has not stopped talking against Islam and its atrocities.

St-Sinner 9 Sep 21

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Now, she is asking for trouble big time.

She has been on Fatwahs for over 25 years and she has not given up. She lives in Sweden. There is a risk but there are protections where she lives too. These will be heroes of atheism's history of fight against religion. Our future generations will read with pride.


I have not read the Koran (Quran) myself, but I have read what others who have read it wrote about it. One thing they did say is that the Koran does indeed say that infidels (like me) should be killed. That kind of rot in a supposedly sacred scripture is an invitation to extremists, literalists, and other wackjobs to commit mass murder. Hence the many acts of terrorism perpetrated by Islamists. Now, are they the only bloodthirsty assholes on the planet? Unfortunately, no.

No, correct. Include Hindu extremist assholes.


The 3 stooges who worship Abraham are all as bad as each other, each hold the first testament as gospel. Read it, your wife and children are merely chattel, to be used and traded like property.

puff Level 8 Sep 21, 2023
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