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I can't get Messenger to work. Does anybody have a way to fix it? Some messages appear on my screen but not on the recipient's. Any incoming messages are not visible to me. Any advice would be appreciated.

Carbine 6 Sep 26

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The short answer is, “no”. The longer answer is, don’t hold your breath waiting for it to be fixed. @Admin is not interested in maintenance on this site.

Thank you. It's really a pity, isn't it.

@Carbine I always think that failure to maintain one's house is a pity.

@KateOahu DenoPenno sent me a message saying Messenger appeared to be working for him and asking me to reply. I tried to do so, but I haven't heard from him since so I must assume my message back to him wasn't transmitted.

@Carbine people appear to be able to initiate a first message, but responses, and subsequent messages, do not appear to be delivered.

@KateOahu Thanks, Kate. Looks like a lost cause, I'm afraid.


Messenger went along with the dodo.....long extinct!


I'm as unaware as you are....if anyone solves this problem....PLEASE let us all know, ok?

If I find the answer I'll certainly pass it on.

This is the only response I've received so far."Messenger went along with the dodo.....long extinct!"

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