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Yea you have to wonder what the hell!

1patriot 8 Sep 27

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And I hope they fail and he becomes president again! He will clean house guaranteed.


True Story


"Insider Training", really. It's called "insider Trading", you shouldn't post idiot memes created by idiot Russians.

What's even funnier is that Trump exposed himself. Lock the idiot up!

What's the name of the Russian group that created it?

@CourtJester I'm just making fun of him. He has posted memes before that were misspelled and didn't make any sense.

@nogod4me you do know those are made for reason!

@1patriot I know, to show they are illiterate

@nogod4me than make on spelling everything right and get ass in to the court room to prove it

@1patriot You sound like a Russian.

Good catch. I didn't see that on my first reading. 😎👍

@1patriot Yeah, we know the reason: a feeble attempt to weaken and destroy democracy in America. 🖕

@Flyingsaucesir Biden is the strength of America lol that's very weak than isn't it!

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