Let's do this. Let's create something new.
"Spiritology" is an interdisciplinary field of study that explores the interconnectedness of science and spirituality. It encompasses two primary aspects:
The Study of Science through Spirituality: In this dimension of Spiritology, researchers investigate scientific concepts, theories, and phenomena by integrating spiritual and metaphysical perspectives. This approach seeks to uncover deeper meanings and connections between scientific knowledge and spiritual insights.
The Study of Spirituality through Science: This facet of Spiritology involves examining spiritual beliefs, practices, and experiences through the lens of scientific inquiry. It seeks to apply empirical methods and analytical tools to better understand and explain spiritual phenomena in a scientific context.
In essence, Spiritology bridges the gap between science and spirituality, facilitating a holistic exploration of the universe and human existence. It encourages a balanced and comprehensive approach to understanding the mysteries of the natural and supernatural realms.
Ahh, yes, let's introduce another "feels" into scientific study. That makes TOTAL sense to a religious right-winger.
Please, do a scientific study on "spirit". I postulate there is no spirit, and I have proof.
Weigh the human body before death. Weigh it immediately after death. The human body has the same weight, immediately before and immediately after death.
If the "spirit" left the body, and the spirit is energy, then the body should weigh less.
Q.E.D.: no spirit.
Now, go and peddle your sleazy spiritual snake oil to the maga crowd. I'm sure you are already a member.
Was done (IMO pathetically and in retrospect hilariously) in the late1800's, try learning about such movements and what happened to them before trying to drag down actual science.
@FvckY0u Not much does work for you, foremost of which is your mind.
@FvckY0u I do, apparently you don't read much.
@FvckY0u So if you don't read my generl comments how could you write "Why don't you tell the entire world what is on your mind? Are you afraid"?
You just admitted that what you wrote was based on no knowledge.
@FvckY0u I admit it is a real chore to try to figure out what you mean due to your meandering manner of writing.
Don't fret about my age, I guaratee my mind is FAR sharper than your's.
@FvckY0u You could move that along if you would just quit posting nonsensical Woo.
@FvckY0u As I previously told you..... you are hard to avoid, you post nonsense all over many boards, on, and on, and on, and on.
@FvckY0u If you think a reply saying "You are hard to avoid it" even resembles correct English, no less makes sense, you are worse off that i thought.
@FvckY0u My mind is very conscious. You are so confused you really should seek help.
Last, you understand nothing.
@FvckY0u Wrong again. there are MANY things I approach positively, but there is no way you would know because i don't post my life experiences. Since there is no way you could know your mere assertion shows how you frantically grasp.
What are you the cure for?
I could not destroy you if I wanted to because you were destroyed by someone or something previously.
@FvckY0u anybody who proclaims "I am the cure" is so full of hubris it's almost frightening...who do we know exactly like that in the world today? Oh, yeah, drump!
And I am sure thousands of faceless patients in mental homes.
Stop warning others of the terrible things that will happen to them if they fail to heed your " wonderful" message(s), and Wait, I just remembered who else does that....gawd.
you ain't him/ her/them/it
@FvckY0u Then WHY KEEP POSTING?????? Do you finally see our point??????
@FvckY0u You have so many problems it is impossible to identify each of them.
@FvckY0u Only you could think that by not posting my life's story I am hiding my. face.
Who do you know that posts their entire life's experience?
You are seriously nuts.
@FvckY0u You make me laugh and then feel guilty. I laugh at your moronic posts, then feel guilty about laughing at a mentally handicapped individual.
@FvckY0u I hope you enjoyed yourself. It must have been a private joke because no normal person would have a clue what you mean.
@FvckY0u It is always the others fault isn't it?
@FvckY0u You are letting me know I am unconscious?
I am now letting you know you are ver delusional.