Another Bite at One Done Cheato
His is the style
we've come to revile:
puffed up, combed over,
rude, and hostile
His disciples pack rifles,
while he threatens reprisals,
and he always inverts
his unread black Bibles
A slanderer, philanderer,
and treasonous commander,
he stokes his acolytes
with fear, hate, and anger
He's a prolific liar,
this Squier of Mire;
with each fabrication,
the situation's more dire
His dance may look silly,
but he'd crucify Mark Milley,
and we'll never make sense of why he'd hang poor Mike Pence
He's mean and he's vile,
and he's full of keen guile;
and his criminal file
stretches more than a mile
He never bothers with locks
on the top secret docs,
but no laws were broken
according to Fox
His mendacious agility
masks his ego's fragility,
he tries to look smart,
but he's just a hillbilly
His niece got it right,
he's wound way too tight,
this malignant narcissist
incites others to fight
Each day there's a ration
of fresh degradation;
he gains affirmation
by defrauding the nation
Can he long go on,
piling wrong upon wrong?
Or will he finally shack up
with his love Kim Jong Un?
Much more likely, I'm sure,
a prosecutor will skewer
this raging orange rat
from the dark alt-right sewer
I'll give my prediction
for each jurisdiction:
a vote for conviction,
on gross dereliction
His aim is to rile,
but you'll get back your smile,
just make sure you tune in
to his prime-time, technicolor, televised trial!
© Flyingsaucesir 2023
Hah! That one's gonna leave a mark Good job! You very eloquently nailed the S.O.B.
Is that your original work? You should copyright it.
Can't wait until I never have to see him again
I second that emotion!