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The Dangers of Education - Mikki Willis and Dr. Mark McDonald
Mikki Willis interviews Dr. Mark McDonald on schools, Critical Race Theory (CRT), gender ideology and indoctrination in our education system.

1patriot 8 Oct 2

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Isn't that the doctor who recommenced the bogus Ivermectim as a legitimate Covid treatment? Try doing a search for him, that is the first thing that came up for my search.

you must be using google search? google lies to all of us.... ivermectin does work and it was a Nobel prize. In early August 2021, a double-blind study from Israel found that Covid-19 could be treated for under $1 a day using the Nobel Prize-winning drug Ivermectin. Unfortunately, the news about the study received little to no attention from the mainstream media in the U.S even after Israeli scientist, Professor Schwartz, found that nearly 72% of volunteers treated with Ivermectin tested negative for the virus by day six. In contrast, only 50% of those who received the placebo tested negative.


@1patriot You reference a "pump and dump" website?

I did a search, and there are other website sites that make similar claims, although they are not journalistic websites. Reuters reports it as ineffective. []

One has to be careful about where you get information. I use long trusted journalistic sites, and tend to doubt website with an agenda or whose purpose is not known to me.

@snytiger6 yes, a rothschild owned media.... []
do you really want to believe that ivermectin did not win a Nobel prize.... that it doesn't have a bunch of peer reviews?

@1patriot It won the noble prize for its ability to treat multiple tropical diseases, not for covid treatment as many far right groups and publications claim.

@snytiger6 yes, and what is covid! doctors around the world have treated it! India (the country) sent it out to every house hold to treat did many African countries! India did not shut down it's none of this sinking in? many farmer/ranchers in this area used it and never got covid

@1patriot The World Health Organization states quite plainly, that although the drug may be used in clinical trials, all studies so far have had, at best, inconclusive results. []

Call me silly, but I trust doctors who have dedicated their lives to improving world health conditions over outlier doctors whose agenda is not so clear.

@snytiger6 if true do not look to the world health organization because they are in lock step with depopulatuon


The KKK worked pretty hard to get into the teacher’s union and the national education system ages ago. Judging by today’s education system; they still have some old holdouts in place.


Dr. Mark Macdonald is a self-promoting, opportunistic quack. He's not a doctor of internal medicine. Nor is he a virologist, an epidemiologist, or an immunologist. Yet he pontificates on these subjects, and what he says flies in the face of all data and the advice of true experts in the various fields.



yes and the dewormer worked, and mandating masks for children in schools is not only unnecessary and unsupported by scientific evidence, if you think about they can't see virus's in a electronic can a mask stop a virus obvious it can't it even says it on the box. And yes it's also harmful to children physically and psychologically. thanks for posting i am currently using Fenbendazole for cancer. you just proved to me the lies you been learning not sure where you been learning but most like the MSM.

the American medical Association has been calling any doctor that's been curing cancer by other means "Quackery" since it started in the 1930's. they also killed many of these doctors over the years..... i hope your seeing this....cancer is not a big problem in south America.
the so called experts in the field don't want to lose the money they are granted it's nasty circle.....

@1patriot Well that's the thing: ivermectin doesn't work, and masks do. Your problem is you reject actual scientific data and the conclusions of real experts in the field in favor of opportunistic con men. So there's no way to convince you. 🤦

@Flyingsaucesir ivermectin does work and it was a Nobel prize. In early August 2021, a double-blind study from Israel found that Covid-19 could be treated for under $1 a day using the Nobel Prize-winning drug Ivermectin. Unfortunately, the news about the study received little to no attention from the mainstream media in the U.S even after Israeli scientist, Professor Schwartz, found that nearly 72% of volunteers treated with Ivermectin tested negative for the virus by day six. In contrast, only 50% of those who received the placebo tested negative.

i can send you the peer reviews if you would like.... i doubt that you would read them as your brain washed by the main stream media.....they are the liars.....i don't need to be convinced because i have studied this at length.....

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