The Done Cheato is going down. Jesus cannot save him.
Someone is actually a pretty decent artist.
But Jesus looks homeless and unshowered.
They did it true to form then. I think we'd all be pretty dirty and jaded if we had to live like Jesus. He was big on feet washing, but I don't recall any stories of a proper shower.
I doubt that Jesus was a blonde, white guy. That's just an invention, a marketing ploy, designed to appeal to European customers.
Also, the artist made Jesus several inches taller than Trump. That would make him about 6'-8," waaaay taller than most people were 2,000 years ago. The average height of a Jewish carpenter at that time was probably around 5'-3."
@Flyingsaucesir That's what's so great about our imagination and a pencil. We can make things whatever we want them to be,
I've always enjoyed drawing too.
@CourtJester Nice