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Are you seeking attachment or connection?

FvckY0u 8 Oct 21

Enjoy being online again!

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How does one give love to one's self?

@FvckY0u Pondering your reply. I parallel your choices or suggestions. I do think much of feeling "good" is a predominantly a chemical reaction in the brain. I also would say that without the appropriate level of endorphins, serotonin & dopamine etc., one might not feel the joy of self love. Then too there is areas of the brain that do not function. But certainly one could impart some "good" cheer to others. Big tip, kind word, assistance to others of course. Doing things that are of a positive nature, resulting in "good" feelings is warranted. Perhaps a medication adjustment is in order for those that can not feel "good".


Similar to the diff between acquaintences and friends.

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