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Canadian father files $35 million lawsuit against Pfizer over son’s jab-related death. The lawsuit says 17-year-old Sean Hartman died as a result of negligence on the part of Pfizer, which failed to properly inform him of the risks of the jab.
wasn't good for the health and now dad's not happy....i wouldn't be either! this is why i fight to my the pharmaceuticals my be account about....germ theory is not settled science yet! safety above all just like on the construction site!

1patriot 8 Oct 27

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I got my all my shots, and am just fine.

I just had my 3rd COVID booster (5th Pfizer shot) last week. All systems are go. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘


Don't believe a word of it.

guess you haven't hear of the hundreds of soccer plays in Europe that have died from myocarditis. or how about Eric Clapton. []
Together, these strategies kept regulators and the public ignorant of a 3.7-fold increase in cardiac deaths among subjects who received the vaccine, according to analysis in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research. []

i don't think i can send you enough of the news articles on the people dying and how the big pharma is negligent in all area and you would still tell me you don't believe it.....i don't hate you i and i am warning you... google is the worst place to look for this information because they hide it if you search that headline "How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators" does your google show you it? i don't know i quit using google as they were not showing the real information.

 when i was looking for chlorine dioxide and google showed was the dangers and that it was bleach which is dangerous to mix with water and drink to cure cancer.... but chlorine dioxide is not chlorine bleach not even close..... i have used it for the last 3 years

@1patriot guess you haven't heard that being symptomatic or asymptomatic with covid, it still can cause myocarditis and an assortment of circulatory and pulmonary issues. This was documented and explained prior to any vaccination development.

Eric Clapton is a great musician. He is NOT an epidemiologist, virologist, or immunologist. His opinion in this area is not worth one brass farthing. You and he have that in common. 🀣🀣🀣

I just had my 5th COVID-19 shot (3rd booster), and I feel great. 12345! 5! 5! πŸ’‰πŸ˜‚πŸ’‰πŸ˜‚πŸ’‰πŸ˜‚πŸ’‰πŸ˜‚πŸ’‰πŸ˜‚

@Flyingsaucesir so being healthy and get the jab and all fucked up he doesn't know what the your grasping at straws are you a fuck checker for face book? you make sure and keep getting these shots as your information is way better than my i guess i have at least 20,000 doctors and scientist billions of people who have had the shot on my side you have what the media , the government, the CDC,NIH, FDA, the pharmaceutical industry, doctors that have been paid by the pharma....the lead cause of death in Alberta Canada is sudden death. when was the last time you heard that term as cause of death.....Babies

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