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many on Agnostic jump to conclusion about this doctor because he now on substack after the alberta government shut his business down as he was saving lives of stage 4 cancer patiences ..... this is his story....
Explosive Conversation with Alberta Oncologist Dr. William Makis
Quote: "Here is the complete conversation with Alberta oncologist Dr. William Makis. This explosive conversation reveals sudden deaths of Canadian doctors, the corrupt Alberta Health Services and Alberta College of Physicians, Mafia-like lawyers in Alberta driving medical tyranny, and PM Trudeau's closure of the internationally renowned Alberta cancer clinic to make way for a new private for-profit clinic in BC."

1patriot 8 Oct 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Those of us who have arranged for appropriate medical care aren't looking for new doctors. When people try to sell us new doctors we respond like people trying to sell us new life insurance, or crypto, or magic beans.


Enjoy your new pet quack.......

Yea he's my new cancer doctor....

@1patriot good luck with that

Already am i am hunting moose today


Just because something you read agrees with your viewpoints, does not mean it is true or factual.

yes that works both ways from your view or my view.....what this doctor tell you is has experience and i believe him.... i have seen him a few times i have checked things he has said and they are true so so far i have not found him telling lies or half truths..... you can believe what you want....just like god you can believe it or not that a decision you need to make.


<sigh> The Canadian federal government does not manage (or close) provincial health care facilities.

they did in this case working with premier Notley and Trudeau as Trudeau moved this process the Vancouver and built two new hospitals to use his protocols.. as you know Trudeau is in vested in two pharmaceutical companies in British Columbia. you will have to listen to his video and know a few this about Trudeau. listen to this video over a year ago

@1patriot “As you know”…. Do not presume to know what I know. Your reality seems steeped in conspiracy and pseudoscience.

@Science-guy thats your failure not mine the only conspiracy i have posted is your failure to believe people are not dying from the bioweapon know to you as the vaccination for covid 19. Other than that every this. Is news articles that i have not written

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