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Why don't we remember being babies?


TheoryNumber3 8 Nov 28

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My earliest memory was a falling down and hurting myself when I was about 3 years old. I don't remember anything before that or much after it either 😆


It's not that I actually remember things from when I was very young but that the stories of the 'terror' twins do seem like what the two of us got up to. We were incubator babies so the initial bond with mom never really happened. Looking at pictures is fun and there is actual 8mm film taken by my aunt of us and then later when our younger sister came along.
I really enjoy livescience.

I do too. So many interesting stories that I would never see otherwise. Thanks for sharing


I remember screaming for more fresh green peas when I first tried them in a highchair, under 8 months as we moved about 2 months later.
I remember and accurately described my shoes as I took my first steps unaided.
I have had recurring dreams of being in a "big wet sack" and being squeezed hard, in waves.
I remember my father molesting me and my mother catching him (he always did it while she was breastfeeding my brother, 16 months younger than I), and the screaming "How could you?!" that went on Forever and never being comforted, and crying "i'm sorry mommy" over & over while the screaming went on, and no longer being loved by my mother after that....they had 2 more kids afterwards, total of 4.


I don't remember being an adult.

It will come to you one day.

Some people never get there 😊

@TheoryNumber3 Indeed. Some are in the government.

@Fernapple I am running out of time.

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