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What is your beer of choice? How did it come to be and what if anything does your beer say about you?


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I used to like dark mild but that seems to be non-existent now. I find that Charlie Wells IPA goes down well these days. As the IPA is a local brew and readily available I suppose it says that I'm a pragmatist as far as social drinking goes.


I still LOVE a ice cold Carona on the porch in the Summertime. It says I am still a lightweight!!


▪️Guinness Stout (before all else)
▪️Bent Paddle Black (Drinks like a porter, opaque like a stout)
▪️Spotted Cow Ale
▪️Newcastle Brown Ale

I have no idea what this says about me, except that one is brewed in my home state, and one is brewed 2 hours away from me, in a neighboring state. I support locally! lol


It just tastes the best to me.


Dos Equis Dark. It came about because I lived in Mexico for several years and that's the one I settled on. What it says about me? That I like dark lager.


Currently Alaskan Husky IPA and Elysian Dragonstooth stout. Rainier is my basic canned beer.


Labatt blue as a regular. I also have a big like of Samuel Adams Boston Lager. I also miss that I now can't partake of Great Lakes Brewing company's Dortmunder Gold Lager and Oktoberfest because it now doesn't reach my area.


Smashbomb atomic. kinda says it all doesm't it!


Sierra Nevada Pale Ale or Red Seal for hot months
Guinness or Youngs Double Chocolate Stout in the winter

I used to do those beer checklists in pubs and tried soooo many. Plus I used to brew and fell in love with hops and dark roasted malt.

all of them say "I'm bold bitches and unapologetic" ?


I don't drink beer now but when I did I drank Weiss Beer, now they have all types of brands out there with weird names.


I never liked beer. I've tried, from cheap to top shelf imports.
Very rare I drink booze at all, just never cared for it.
But, a glass of good scotch occasionally isn't beyond happening.


I brew my own, but I confess to being a hophead and I also like abbey and farmhouse style ales.


My regular beer is Dos Equis Amber. It's good, and it's not too expensive.

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