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Robert Di Niro in 2016:

Robert Di Niro in 2023:

Flyingsaucesir 8 Nov 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Who edited out his comments about the Done Cheato? 🤔


Great actor, but a Scorsese movie is far from a reflection of any reality. While he may be making a point with a movie, the content is bizarre at times.

I haven't seen KOTFM, so I can't comment on it. All I know is that Di Caprio ad libs a lot.


If anyone had any doubt that Putin had purchased the Republican Party, please note the recent revelation about Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson.

"In 2018, it was revealed he had received over $37,000 in campaign contributions from American Ethane, a company with only insignificant assets in the U.S., and controlled almost entirely by three Russian oligarchs."


Venal bastard is selling us out.


He says it so well!!

And he's consistent over time!

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