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Santos expelled!

Organist1 8 Dec 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Says a lot for the party that he has been able to hang on for so long. I wonder what kind of childhood he had and what his teachers had to deal with. He is basically a criminal.


Perhaps his brand of crazy just didn't play into their plans well enough, so it was an unsubstantial loss yet a PR win for them.


Hard to believe the Republicans actually found one of their own too crooked to protect! It took them three tries and actual indictments to do it, but the stink was getting just too strong! 😂

Why it's not too strong with Dump, I'll never know. I think they're just afraid of him and his followers. Santos didn't have that kind of power.

@Organist1 I just started watching the movie Good Night,and Good Luck, the 2005 movie about Edward R Murrow. the opening about how everyone is afraid of Senator McCarthy is so much like what we see with the GOP afraid of trump.
Why do we keep repeating the crazy? I know the GOP thought they could control trump and as soon as he got in the WH it was clear they could neither control nor mitigate the crazy of trump.


I think it was because they hope voters' memories are short and they will only have to defend the corruption of ONE serial liar (DJT) and not make it look like it is the whole party. Santos was a millstone around the neck of NY republicans who desperately wanted to distance themselves from him. I say we don't let people forget that they supported him, until the stink was too bad.


The stunning thing is how numerous and blatant his lies were, and yet somehow they were all missed until after he was elected? Another sign of just what a farce journalism and politics has become in America.


While this is good news it may be signaling the republicans realize they need a better strategy to fool their voters. They have kicked him out but have not gone against don lardo enmass.

Yes, I thought it might be a public relations stunt, too.

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