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I’m wondering if folks find it more difficult to have friends with religious beliefs, or friends with opposing political views.

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Jeff-in-AVL 4 May 4

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Religious friends are easier for me as long as they aren't fanatics. Of course if that were true we wouldn't be friends to begin with.


These days it's much easier for me to be friends with someone with religious beliefs but leans liberal. I have a much harder time talking to a person who supports Trump. If there were two people who I could pick to be friends with, a Christian who hates Trump or an Atheist who loves Trump I would pick the Christian who hates Trump. No question about it.

That's an interesting way to look at it. I would also choose the Trump hating Christian. At least you know they have a sense of decency and might actually be living closer to the ideals that Jesus (supposedly) espoused.

@dkp93 I completely agree. I can deal with someone who wants to believe in a supreme being. I can't deal with someone who thinks Trump is a supreme being.

@paul1967 Lol, well said!


So often these two seem to go together for me. But I would say religious differences are easier to stomach if the other person genuinely cares about inclusion and social justice and responsible stewardship of the environment. It is the mean-spirited people who want to claim a divine stamp of authority for their hate, and then use that to legislate hate, that I take the most issue with.

You said what I was thinking!


Hard to be friends with anyone who is pushy and/or disrespectful. Could be about religion, politics, recycling, diet, exercise, anything. Not pushy/disrespectful? We're good.


I'm so used to being around religious people, that it's not a problem. Well, not much of a problem. Opposite political views are a real problem for me though.


Those who are religious, rarely discuss their religion. Political friends tend to be zealous and intolerant. I've never lost friends over religion. Have lost a few republican and democrats over politics.

wmou Level 4 May 5, 2018

Neither is as infuriating as a conspiracy theorist, IMO.

Haha! So true!


Some of my friends believe in a god of some sort but none are particularly religious. If they were religious and had opposing political views they wouldn't be my friends. They might be friendly work colleagues but we aren't going to hit it off as great friends who share great conversation.


I don't have difficulty with either usually. My problem is the open and mindless bigotry that has become publicly acceptable. They must have always felt that way but now they feel free to share.

I share a lack of religious belief with very few people in my life, but most share the majority of my political views. No one is going to agree on everything.


I have both. Sometimes, it's quite challenging.


The food will not get cold while prayers are said with political friends. It may get thrown later, though.......


I find both of them to be rather difficult, but most people that hold religious beliefs acknowledge there is faith based element to it, so they cannot expect everyone to have the same outlook.

However with politics, people think they are being objective and have intelligent opinions. In reality, most people's political outlook are just as indoctrinated as their religious beliefs. Their unawareness of that though makes it more difficult to have a discussion.


I especially dislike those who shut off when any position is brought into question.


Greedy selfish people are way harder to take than slightly delusional people ;for me


I find it harder to deal with political differences. I’ve got fam and friends of all religions and deal with that although I’m agnostic. I’ve spent my entire adult life working in government and politics and that’s so much more difficult because you’re dealing with real life, peoples lives.


Sadly these days they are usually one in the same. However it depends on the severity of their affliction as to who is worse.

“affliction” ???


Where I live, being right leaning and a religious zealot go pretty much hand-in-hand, which is part of the problem.

Zster Level 8 May 5, 2018

The religious seem to be the same people I disagree with politically. I have some friends I disagree with, shut up and play your guitar!



Polarized politics is becoming the new religion at fast speed, with all the nasty pesky stuff that comes along with religion......... poison everything !!!!


Most of my religious friends can discuss religious topics with me; while being mindful and respectful of our differing beliefs. Neither if us implying the other should change their mind. However when it comes to politics, the goal is to change minds. Whereas I enjoy a long and interesting debate. Talking to others who will infailiably attempt to make you out as foolish, puts stress on a relationship of anykind.


I have a hard time with "born again Christain people in my family preaching to me constantly. One relative went 5 hours straight on the phone. I finally hung up. I tried changing the subject several times. So we don't talk any more.


Political differences are understandable, religion is not in whatever form it takes. I voted that it is easier to have politically opposite friends, but in truth, my political opposites are usually religious and are frequently conspiracy nuts on top of it so most of them eliminate themselves by default. 🙂


I don't like any in your face attitude of either and that is my final answer....
(although since there was only 2 choices, I chose religious easier because in my neck of the woods publicly showing your religious or political views is uncommon but usually religious people are actually secular)


That depends on how fanatical they are. Religious or political, some people reach a point where you don't even dare make eye contact.


I know lots of liberal friends who are religious. As a liberal I enjoy spending time with them. But I would not be able to deal with real right wing folks, religious or not.


Here in the UK there isn't the same 'religious bloc' thing happening politically.

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